Activating an event-handler

Use this procedure to activate one or more event-handlers on the device. If a trigger specified in the event-handler profile occurs, a designated Python script runs.


  1. Enter configure terminal to access global configuration mode.
    device# configure terminal
  2. Enter the event-handler activate command, specifying the event handler that you are activating.
    device(config)# event-handler activate eventHandler1
  3. To activate an additional event handler, enter the event-handler activate command, specifying the additional event handler.
    device(config-activate-eventHandler1)# event-handler activate eventHandler2
  4. To de-activate an event handler, enter the no event-handler activate command
    device(config-activate-eventHandler2)# no event-handler activate eventHandler2


The following example includes all of the activation steps.

device# configure terminal
device(config)# event-handler activate eventHandler1
device(config-activate-eventHandler1)# event-handler activate eventHandler2