Export the Device Configuration

You can export the configuration of an SLX or MLX device to an Extreme 9920 device.

About this task

In general, the following configuration is exported:
  • Policy rule matches (IPv4, IPv6 and L2 only)
  • Policies
  • Ingress group
  • Egress
  • Egress group
The following configuration items are not exported. These items appear in red text on the Export Configuration page.
  • Special characters such as %, {, }, \, and = are not supported on the Extreme 9920 device. Policies and rule matches are not exported when the names of those items contain special characters.
  • User-defined access lists (UDA) are not supported on the Extreme 9920 device and are not exported.


  1. In the Navigation menu, select Configure.
  2. In the Devices panel, right-click the device from which you want to export the configuration.
  3. Select Export Configuration.
  4. In the To Device field, select the device to which you want to export the configuration.

    The configuration of the source device is displayed.

    Items in red text will not be exported.

    Items flagged with an "i" symbol require the selection of one or more ports before you can export the items.

  5. Select all required ports.
  6. Save () your selections.
    The configuration is exported to the destination device.