Microservice Logs

Logs for each microservice are saved in /var/log/xvm.



To collect the logs for a particular microservice, first determine which node is running. Then you can find the logs on the running node at the file paths noted in the following table. You can run the kubectl get pods -n xvm -o wide command to find the running node.
Table 1. Microservice descriptions
Microservice Log File Path
Cluster Resource Management Service (CRMS) /var/log/xvm/crms-ms/*
Configuration Validate Service (CVS) /var/log/xvm/cvs-ms/*
Device Health and Incident Management Service (DHMS) /var/log/xvm/dhms-ms/*
Device Interface Service (DIS) /var/log/xvm/dis-ms/*
Device and Zone Management Service (DMS) /var/log/xvm/dms-ms/*
Device Receive Service (DRS) /var/log/xvm/drs-ms/*
Policy Control Service (PCS) /var/log/xvm/pcs-ms/*
Security /var/log/xvm/security-ms/*
Service Function Management Service (SFMS) /var/log/xvm/sfms-ms/*
Statistics Collection Service (SCS) /var/log/xvm/scs-ms/*
Transaction Management Service (TMS) /var/log/xvm/tms-ms/*
User Transaction History Service (UTHS) /var/log/xvm/uths-ms/*