Create a Device Definition File

A Device Definition file (in CSV format) identifies devices by such data as IP address, device type and version, location, and credentials.

About this task

You use a Device Definition file to add multiple devices in bulk. Each row in the CSV file has a variation of the following format. Field numbers 10 through 14 apply to SNMPv3 only.
Table 1. Field descriptions
Field Number Field Description
1 IPAddresses One or more IPv4 or IPv6 addresses, separated by commas.
2 DeviceType SLX, MLX, or 9900.
3 DeviceVersion The version of the operating system on the device in the following format: <device-type>_<version>. For example: SLX_18s.1.03a.
4 Location One of the locations in the locations.csv file. For more information, see the Extreme Visibility Manager Deployment Guide, 6.1.0 .
5 ConfigProtocol SSH
6 DiscoveryProtocol SNMP
7 UserName Credentials for accessing the device, and not necessarily the credentials of the default user.
8 Password Credentials for accessing the device, and not necessarily the credentials of the default user.
9 CommunityString (SNMPv2 only) Enter default or enter the community string if not public.

(SNMPv3 only) Enter snmpv3.

10 SNMPUserName (SNMPv3 only) Up to 32 characters.
11 AuthProtocol (SNMPv3 only) MD5 or SHA.
12 AuthPassword (SNMPv3 only) For MD5, between 8 and 16 characters. For SHA, between 8 and 20 characters.
13 PrivacyProtocol (SNMPv3 only) DES or AES
14 PrivacyPassword (SNMPv3) Between 8 and 16 characters.


  1. Create a CSV file with a file name of your choosing.
  2. Add content to the file in the described format.
  3. Save the CSV file to a location that is accessible from the Visibility Manager user interface.


Sample entries with SNMPv2 credentials.
Sample entries with SNMPv3 credentials.,MLX,MLX_v6.3.00bd,Duff,SSH,SNMP,admin,admin,snmpv3,xvmuser,