System monitoring logs describe
system-generated alerts related to infrastructure resources and node health.
About this task
System monitoring logs provide the following information.
- Alert type and description
- HostHighCPULoad: The
CPU load on the host is greater than 80%.
- HostOutOfMemory: The
available memory on the host is less than 10%.
- MongoDBClusterDown:
The cluster is down and unable to connect.
- MongoDBClusterUnhealthy: The cluster has no more than one member in
a running state.
- MongoDBReplicationLag: Replication lag is greater than 10
- PostgreSQLClusterUnhealthy: The cluster has no more than one member
in a running state.
- PostgreSQLReplicationUnhealthy: Replication is not working or is
not configured.
- Severity
- Status
- Firing: The component
requires attention. Alerts are displayed on the System Monitoring
Logs page when events have been sustained for three minutes.
- Resolved: The issue
was resolved manually or automatically.
- Date
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