Create an SLX UDA Match for a Device

An SLX UDA match is a set of match parameters and masks and the action to perform on the targeted items in the UDA profile.

Before you begin

Create a UDA profile to associate with the match. For more information, see Create an SLX UDA Profile.

About this task

A UDA match can contain one or more sets of parameters and actions. Each set of parameters and actions is a rule in the match.


  1. In the Navigation menu, select Configure.
  2. In the Devices panel, select the SLX device for which you want to create a match.
  3. Select the Configurations tab.
  4. In the Device Config menu, select Add Policy Rule Match.
  5. In the Name field, enter a unique name for the match.
  6. In the Type field, select UDA.
  7. In the UDA field, select the UDA profile to associate with the match.
  8. In the Sequence field, enter a value to represent the order in which the match performs the selected actions on the items in the profile.
  9. In the rest of the Match section, complete each field, including a mask for each item.

    The items that appear in the Match section vary by the items in the selected UDA profile.

  10. In the Action section, select one or more actions to perform on the profile items.
    • Count to keep track of the number of packets that match the policy rule
    • Drop to drop the packet
    • Log to add the transaction to the Visibility Manager log.
  11. Select Add.
    The match parameters (the new rule) appear in the pane on the right.
  12. Repeat steps 8 through 11 until you have added all the rules you need.
  13. To remove a rule from the match, select Delete for that rule in the Rules panel on the right.
  14. To change a rule, select Edit for that rule in the Rules panel and make your changes.
  15. Save () your selections.