Configures the desired interval between pings and number of misses for ping protection of IPv4 and IPv6 static routes.
ipv4 | Designates IPv4 settings (default). |
ipv6 | Designates IPv6 settings. |
protection | Configures route protection settings. |
ping | Configures static route ping protection interval and number of misses. |
interval | Number of seconds between pings to protected gateways. Ping response must be received within configured interval. |
seconds | Number of seconds between pings to protected gateways. Range is 1–600. Default is 2. |
miss | Number of pings with no response before associated routes are considered down. |
misses | Number of pings with no response before associated routes are considered down. Range is 2–255. Default is 3. |
If not specified, IPv4 is the default, and:
At the configurable interval, each unique gateway or device IP address configured for static route ping protection is sent an ICMP or ICMPv6 Echo Request if the ARP or Neighbor cache entry already has the IP->MAC binding. An ARP or Neighbor Solicitation is sent if the IP->MAC binding is unknown, and upon receiving a response, the ICMP Echo Request is sent.
The desired interval between pings and number of misses can be configured independently for IPv4 and IPv6.
The following example sets for IPv4 a ping interval of 3 seconds and number of missed pings to 5:
# configure iproute ipv4 protection ping interval 3 miss 5
This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 22.1.