show iproute ipv6 origin

show iproute ipv6 origin [auto-peering | direct | static | blackhole | ripng | ospfv3 | ospfv3-intra | ospfv3-inter | ospfv3-extern1 | ospfv3-extern2 | isis | isis-leve1-1 | isis-level-2 | isis-level-1-external | isis-level-2-external | bgp | ibgp | ebgp | bootp | host-mobility] {vr vr_name}


Displays the contents of the IPv6 routing table for routes with the specified origin.

Syntax Description

direct Specifies direct routes.
auto-peering Specifies BGP auto-peering routes.
static Specifies static routes.
blackhole Specifies blackhole routes.
ripng Specifies RIPng routes.
ospfv3 Specifies OSPFv3 routes.
ospfv3-intra Specifies OSPFv3 Intra routing.
ospfv3-inter Specifies OSPFv3 Inter routing.
ospfv3-extern1 Specifies OSPFv3 External 1 routing.
ospfv3-extern2 Specifies OSPFv3 External 2 routing.
isis Specifies IS-IS routes.
isis-level-1 Specifies IS-IS Level 1 routing.
isis-level-2 Specifies IS-IS Level 2 routing.
isis-level-1-external Specifies IS-IS Level 1 External routing.
isis-level-2-external Specifies IS-IS Level 2 External routing.
bgp Specifies Border Gateway Protocol.
ibgp Specifies Interior BGP route.
ebgp Specifies Exterior BGP route.
bootp Specifies BOOTP route.
host-mobility Specifies host-mobility routes.
vr_name Specifies a VR or VRF.



Usage Guidelines



The following example displays the RIPng routes:

show iproute ipv6 origin ripng


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 11.2.

The bootp attribute was added in 15.7.1

The auto-peering option was added in ExtremeXOS 22.5.

Platform Availability

This command is available on the platforms listed for the IPv6 unicast routing feature in the ExtremeXOS v33.2.1 Licensing Guide document.