Defines a maximum execution period for a profile.
seconds | Defines the execution period in seconds. The range is 2 to 4294967295 seconds. |
30 seconds.
If you make a mistake while configuring a profile and the profile loops, it will loop until the end of the maximum execution period. While testing new profiles, consider configuring a relatively short execution time so that any accidental loops do not create long delays during testing.
The following example sets the execution period to 10 seconds:
configure upm profile test maximum execution-time 10
This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 12.1.
This command is available on platforms that support the appropriate license. For complete information about software licensing, including how to obtain and upgrade your license and which licenses support the Universal Port feature, see the ExtremeXOS v33.2.1 Licensing Guide document.opic/ph "/>