show ospfv3

show ospfv3


Displays global OSPFv3 information.

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or variables.



Usage Guidelines



The following command displays global OSPFv3 information:

show ospfv3

The following is sample output:

OSPFv3              : Disabled           RouterId            :
RouterId Selection  : Automatic          ASBR                : No
ABR                 : No                 ExtLSAs             : 0
ExtLSAChecksum      : 0x0                OriginateNewLSAs    : 0
ReceivedNewLSAs     : 0                  SpfHoldTime         : 3s
Num of Areas        : 1                  LSA Batch Interval  : 0s
10M Cost            : 100                100M Cost           : 50
1000M Cost (1G)     : 40                 2500M Cost (2.5G)   : 40
5000M Cost (5G)     : 40                 10000M Cost (10G)   : 20
25000M Cost (25G)   : 20                 40000M Cost (40G)   : 20
50000M Cost (50G)   : 20                 100000M Cost (100G) : 10
Graceful Restart    : None               Grace Period        : 120s
Import Policy File  : none
SNMP Traps          : Disabled
  Protocol               Status    Cost      Type  Tag    Policy
  direct                 Disabled  20        2     ---    none
  e-bgp                  Disabled  20        2     ---    none
  i-bgp                  Disabled  20        2     ---    none
  ripng                  Disabled  20        2     ---    none
  static                 Disabled  20        2     ---    none
  isis-level-1           Disabled  20        2     ---    none
  isis-level-2           Disabled  20        2     ---    none
  isis-level-1-external  Disabled  20        2     ---    none
  isis-level-2-external  Disabled  20        2     ---    none
  host-mobility          Disabled  20        2     ---    none


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 11.2.

The 40G parameter was added in ExtremeXOS 12.6.

SNMP trap status information was added in ExtremeXOS 22.1.

Platform Availability