ExtremeXOS® v33.2.1 Command References
Command Reference Overview
> Understanding the Command Syntax
Extreme Networks, Inc. January 01, 2025
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Introduction to the ExtremeXOS Command Reference
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Command Reference Overview
Structure of this Guide
Product Overview
Software Required
Understanding the Command Syntax
Access Levels
Syntax Symbols
Syntax Helper
CLI File Name Completion
Abbreviated Syntax
Object Names
Command Shortcuts
Port Numbering
Stand-alone Switch Numerical Ranges
SummitStack Numerical Ranges
Line-Editing Keys
Command History
Extreme Networks PoE Devices
check policy attribute
check policy
clear access-list counter
clear access-list meter
clear account lockout
clear bgp flap-statistics
clear bgp neighbor counters
clear bootprelay ipv6 prefix-delegation snooping
clear cdp counters
clear cdp neighbor
clear counters
clear counters bfd
clear counters bfd missed-hellos
clear counters cfm segment all
clear counters cfm segment all frame-delay
clear counters cfm segment all frame-loss
clear counters cfm segment frame-delay
clear counters cfm segment frame-loss mep
clear counters cfm segment frame-loss
clear counters cfm segment
clear counters cfm session missed-hellos
clear counters edp
clear counters erps
clear counters mpls
clear counters fdb mac-tracking
clear counters identity-management
clear counters iparp
clear counters l2vpn
clear counters mpls ldp
clear counters mpls rsvp-te
clear counters mpls static lsp
clear counters policy
clear counters ports
clear counters ports protocol filter
clear counters stp
clear counters virtual-network
clear counters virtual-network remote-endpoint
clear counters vpls
clear counters vr
clear counters vrrp
clear counters wred
clear counters wred ecn
clear counters xml-notification
clear cpu-monitoring
clear dns cache
clear dns cache analytics entries
clear eaps counters
clear elrp counters
clear elsm ports auto-restart
clear elsm ports counters
clear esrp counters
clear esrp neighbor
clear esrp sticky
clear ethernet oam counters
clear fdb
clear fdb vpls
clear igmp counters
clear igmp group
clear igmp snooping
clear inline-power stats ports
clear ip nat counters vlan
clear iparp
clear ip-security anomaly-protection notify cache
clear ip-security arp validation violations
clear ip-security dhcp-snooping entries
clear ip-security source-ip-lockdown entries ports
clear ipv6 dad
clear isis counters
clear isis counters area
clear isis counters vlan
clear l2pt counters rtep
clear l2pt counters vlan
clear l2pt counters vman
clear l2pt counters vpls
clear lacp counters
clear license
clear license trial
clear lldp neighbors
clear log
clear log counters
clear mac-locking station
clear macsec counters
clear meter out-of-profile
clear mld counters
clear mld group
clear mld snooping
clear msdp counters
clear msdp sa-cache
clear msrp counters
clear mvrp counters
clear neighbor-discovery cache
clear netlogin state
clear netlogin state agent
clear netlogin state mac-address
clear network-clock gptp counters
clear network-clock ptp counters
clear nodealias
clear ospf counters
clear ospfv3 counters
clear pim cache
clear pim snooping
clear port rate-limit flood
clear ports link-flap-detection counters
clear ports link-flap-detection status
clear port rate-limit flood
clear process group statistics
clear rip counters
clear ripng counters
clear screen
clear session
clear slot
clear stpd ports
clear switch bluetooth
clear vm storage
clear vlan dhcp-address-allocation
configure access-list
configure access-list action-resolution highest-priority
configure access-list action-resolution multiple
configure access-list add
configure access-list delete
configure access-list network-zone
configure access-list rule-compression port-counters
configure access-list vlan-acl-precedence
configure access-list width
configure access-list zone
configure account
configure account encrypted
configure account password-policy char-repeat
configure account password-policy char-validation
configure account password-policy history
configure account password-policy lockout-on-login-failures
configure account password-policy lockout-time-period
configure account password-policy long-sequence
configure account password-policy max-age
configure account password-policy min-age
configure account password-policy min-different-characters
configure account password-policy min-length
configure account password-policy username-match
configure account privilege
configure auto-peering oneconfig bootprelay
configure auto-peering oneconfig id
configure auto-peering one-config iproute
configure auto-peering one-config nsi-id
configure auto-peering one-config password
configure auto-peering one-config remote id
configure auto-provision cloud-connector server
configure automation edge connect/disconnect
configure banner
configure bfd hardware-assist loopback-port
configure bfd vlan
configure bfd vlan authentication
configure bgp add aggregate-address
configure bgp add confederation-peer sub-AS-number
configure bgp add network
configure bgp as-display-format
configure bgp as-number
configure bgp cluster-id
configure bgp confederation-id
configure bgp delete aggregate-address
configure bgp delete confederation-peer sub-AS-number
configure bgp delete network
configure bgp evpn ignore-as
configure bgp evpn instance rd
configure bgp evpn instance route-target
configure bgp evpn instance vxlan
configure bgp evpn l3vni
configure bgp export shutdown-priority
configure bgp import-policy
configure bgp local-preference
configure bgp maximum-as-path-length
configure bgp maximum-paths
configure bgp med
configure bgp neighbor allowas-in
configure bgp neighbor alternate-local-as
configure bgp neighbor bfd
configure bgp neighbor connect-retry
configure bgp neighbor dampening
configure bgp neighbor description
configure bgp neighbor dont-allowas-in
configure bgp neighbor maximum-prefix
configure bgp neighbor next-hop-self
configure bgp neighbor no-dampening
configure bgp neighbor password
configure bgp neighbor peer-group
configure bgp neighbor route-policy
configure bgp neighbor route-reflector-client
configure bgp neighbor send-community
configure bgp neighbor shutdown-priority
configure bgp neighbor soft-reset
configure bgp neighbor source-interface
configure bgp neighbor timer
configure bgp neighbor weight
configure bgp peer-group allowas-in
configure bgp peer-group connect-retry
configure bgp peer-group dampening
configure bgp peer-group dont-allowas-in
configure bgp peer-group maximum-prefix
configure bgp peer-group next-hop-self
configure bgp peer-group no-dampening
configure bgp peer-group password
configure bgp peer-group remote-AS-number
configure bgp peer-group route-policy
configure bgp peer-group route-reflector-client
configure bgp peer-group send-community
configure bgp peer-group soft-reset
configure bgp peer-group source-interface
configure bgp peer-group timer
configure bgp peer-group weight
configure bgp restart address-family
configure bgp restart restart-time
configure bgp restart stale-route-time
configure bgp restart update-delay
configure bgp restart
configure bgp routerid
configure bgp soft-reconfiguration
configure bootprelay
configure bootprelay add
configure bootprelay delete
configure bootprelay dhcp-agent information check
configure bootprelay dhcp-agent information circuit-id port-information
configure bootprelay dhcp-agent information circuit-id vlan-information
configure bootprelay dhcp-agent information option
configure bootprelay dhcp-agent information policy
configure bootprelay dhcp-agent information remote-id
configure bootprelay dhcp-agent source-vlan
configure bootprelay include-secondary
configure bootprelay ipv6 option interface-id
configure bootprelay ipv6 option remote-id
configure bootprelay ipv6 prefix-delegation snooping add
configure bootprelay ipv6 prefix-delegation snooping
configure bootprelay vlan include-secondary
configure cdp cos-extend ports
configure cdp device-id
configure cdp frequency
configure cdp hold-time
configure cdp management-address
configure cdp power-available ports
configure cdp trust-extend ports
configure cdp voip-vlan ports
configure cfm domain add association integer
configure cfm domain add association meg
configure cfm domain add association string
configure cfm domain add association vlan-id
configure cfm domain add association vpn-id oui index
configure cfm domain association add remote-mep
configure cfm domain association add
configure cfm domain association delete remote-mep
configure cfm domain association delete
configure cfm domain association destination-mac-type
configure cfm domain association end-point add group
configure cfm domain association end-point delete group
configure cfm domain association end-point transmit-interval
configure cfm domain association ports end-point ccm
configure cfm domain association ports end-point mepid
configure cfm domain association ports end-point sender-id-ipaddress
configure cfm domain association ports end-point
configure cfm domain association remote-mep mac-address
configure cfm domain delete association
configure cfm domain md-level
configure cfm group add rmep
configure cfm group delete rmep
configure cfm segment add domain association
configure cfm segment delete domain association
configure cfm segment dot1p
configure cfm segment frame-delay dot1p
configure cfm segment frame-delay window
configure cfm segment frame-delay/frame-loss transmit interval
configure cfm segment frame-loss consecutive
configure cfm segment frame-loss dot1p
configure cfm segment frame-loss mep
configure cfm segment frame-loss ses-threshold
configure cfm segment frame-loss window
configure cfm segment threshold
configure cfm segment timeout
configure cfm segment transmit-interval
configure cfm segment window
configure cli
configure cli journal
configure cli max-failed-logins
configure cli max-sessions
configure cli mode
configure cli mode scripting
configure cli moved-keywords
configure cli password prompting-only
configure cli script path
configure cli script timeout
configure cos-index
configure database add server
configure database delete server
configure database max-retry-interval
configure database server password
configure debug core-dumps
configure dhcp ipv6 client identifier-type
configure diagnostics privilege
configure diffserv examination code-point qosprofile
configure diffserv replacement code-point
configure dns cache analytics [add | delete] protected-client
configure dns cache add | delete name-server
configure dns cache analytics
configure dns-client add
configure dns-client default-domain
configure dns-client delete
configure dos-protect acl-expire
configure dos-protect interval
configure dos-protect trusted ports
configure dos-protect type l3-protect alert-threshold
configure dos-protect type l3-protect notify-threshold
configure dot1p type
configure eaps add control vlan
configure eaps add protected vlan
configure eaps cfm
configure eaps config-warnings off
configure eaps config-warnings on
configure eaps delete control vlan
configure eaps delete protected vlan
configure eaps failtime expiry-action
configure eaps failtime
configure eaps fast-convergence
configure eaps hello-pdu-egress
configure eaps hellotime
configure eaps mode
configure eaps multicast add-ring-ports
configure eaps multicast send-igmp-query
configure eaps multicast temporary-flooding duration
configure eaps multicast temporary-flooding
configure eaps name
configure eaps port
configure eaps priority
configure eaps shared-port common-path-timers
configure eaps shared-port link-id
configure eaps shared-port mode
configure eaps shared-port segment-timers expiry-action
configure eaps shared-port segment-timers health-interval
configure eaps shared-port segment-timers timeout
configure edp advertisement-interval
configure elrp-client dynamic-vlans
configure elrp-client dynamic-vlans action
configure elrp-client dynamic-vlans client/uplink ports/remote-endpoints vxlan
configure elrp-client disable ports
configure elrp-client hardware-assist
configure elrp-client inter-vlan-loop-detection
configure elrp-client one-shot
configure elrp-client periodic
configure elsm ports hellotime
configure elsm ports hold-threshold
configure elsm ports uptimer-threshold
configure erps add control vlan
configure erps add protected vlan
configure erps control-mac
configure erps cfm port group
configure erps cfm protection group
configure erps delete control vlan
configure erps delete protected vlan
configure erps dynamic-state
configure erps name
configure erps neighbor port
configure erps notify-topology-change
configure erps protection-port
configure erps revert
configure erps ring-ports east | west
configure erps subring-mode
configure erps sub-ring
configure erps timer guard
configure erps timer hold-off
configure erps timer periodic
configure erps timer wait-to-block
configure erps timer wait-to-restore
configure erps topology-change
configure esrp add elrp-poll ports
configure esrp add master
configure esrp add member
configure esrp add track-environment
configure esrp add track-iproute
configure esrp add track-ping
configure esrp add track-vlan
configure esrp aware add selective-forward-ports
configure esrp aware delete selective-forward-ports
configure esrp delete elrp-poll ports
configure esrp delete master
configure esrp delete member
configure esrp delete track-environment
configure esrp delete track-iproute
configure esrp delete track-ping
configure esrp delete track-vlan
configure esrp domain-id
configure esrp election-policy
configure esrp elrp-master-poll disable
configure esrp elrp-master-poll enable
configure esrp elrp-premaster-poll disable
configure esrp elrp-premaster-poll enable
configure esrp group
configure esrp mode
configure esrp name
configure esrp ports mode
configure esrp ports no-restart
configure esrp ports restart
configure esrp ports weight
configure esrp priority
configure esrp timer hello
configure esrp timer neighbor
configure esrp timer neutral
configure esrp timer premaster
configure esrp timer restart
configure failsafe-account
configure fabric attach discovery-timeout
configure fabric attach agent-timeout
configure fabric attach discovery-timeout
configure fabric attach isid-nsi-offset
configure fabric attach management-vlan
configure fabric attach management-vlan ports
configure fabric attach ports
configure fabric attach port authentication
configure fabric attach uplink
configure fabric attach zero-touch-client
configure fdb agingtime
configure fdb mac-tracking ports
configure fdb static-mac-move packets
configure fdb vlan vxlan
configure flow-redirect add nexthop
configure flow-redirect delete nexthop
configure flow-redirect health-check
configure flow-redirect nexthop
configure flow-redirect no-active
configure flow-redirect vr
configure forwarding internal-tables
configure forwarding flow-control fabric
configure forwarding hash-algorithm
configure forwarding hash-recursion-level
configure forwarding ipmc all
configure forwarding ipmc compression
configure forwarding ipmc llmnr
configure forwarding ipmc local-network-range
configure forwarding ipmc lookup-key
configure forwarding ipmc mdns
configure forwarding ipmc upnp
configure forwarding L2-protocol blocking-type
configure forwarding L2-protocol fast-convergence
configure forwarding rate-limit overhead-bytes
configure forwarding sharing
configure forwarding suppression filters
configure forwarding switching-mode
configure forwarding vpex ipmc replication
configure forwarding vpex vlan-port-filter
configure identity-management role
configure identity-management role-based-vlan
configure identity-management access-list
configure identity-management blacklist
configure identity-management database memory-size
configure identity-management detection
configure identity-management greylist
configure identity-management kerberos snooping aging time
configure identity-management kerberos snooping force-aging time
configure identity-management kerberos snooping forwarding
configure identity-management kerberos snooping server
configure identity-management list-precedence
configure identity-management ports
configure identity-management role add child-role
configure identity-management role add dynamic-rule
configure identity-management role add policy
configure identity-management role delete child-role
configure identity-management role delete dynamic-rule
configure identity-management role delete policy
configure identity-management role match-criteria inheritance
configure identity-management role priority
configure identity-management stale-entry aging-time
configure identity-management whitelist
configure cli idle-timeout
configure igmp
configure igmp router-alert receive-required
configure igmp router-alert transmit
configure igmp snooping filters
configure igmp snooping flood-list
configure igmp snooping leave-timeout
configure igmp snooping timer
configure igmp snooping vlan ports add dynamic group
configure igmp snooping vlan ports add static group
configure igmp snooping vlan ports add static router
configure igmp snooping vlan ports delete static group
configure igmp snooping vlan ports delete static router
configure igmp snooping vlan ports filter
configure igmp snooping vlan ports set join-limit
configure igmp ssm-map add
configure igmp ssm-map delete
configure inline-power budget
configure inline-power classification
configure inline-power detection ports
configure inline-power disconnect-precedence
configure inline-power label ports
configure inline-power operator-limit ports
configure inline-power priority ports
configure inline-power usage-threshold
configure instant-port profile
configure ip anycast mac
configure ip nat add vlan
configure ip nat aging-time
configure ip nat delete vlan
configure ip nat rule destination
configure ip nat rule destination protocol
configure ip nat rule egress
configure ip nat rule monitor
configure ip nat rule name
configure ip nat rule source
configure iparp add proxy
configure iparp add
configure iparp delete proxy
configure iparp delete
configure ip-arp fast-convergence
configure iparp locktime
configure iparp max_entries
configure iparp max_pending_entries
configure iparp max_proxy_entries
configure iparp proxy reachable | entry-required
configure iparp reachable-time
configure iparp retransmit-time
configure iparp timeout
configure ip-fix domain
configure ip-fix flow-key ipv4
configure ip-fix flow-key ipv6
configure ip-fix flow-key nonip
configure ip-fix ip-address
configure ip-fix ports flow-key ipv4 mask ipaddress
configure ip-fix ports flow-key ipv6 mask ipaddress
configure ip-fix ports record
configure ip-fix ports
configure ip-fix source ip-address
configure ipforwarding originated-packets
configure ipmcforwarding
configure ipmroute add
configure ipmroute delete
configure ip-mtu vlan
configure iproute add blackhole ipv4 default
configure iproute add blackhole ipv6 default
configure iproute add blackhole
configure iproute add default
configure iproute add direct-inter-vr
configure iproute add (IPv4)
configure iproute add (IPV6)
configure iproute add lsp
configure iproute add (Multicast)
configure iproute add protection
configure iproute delete
configure iproute delete blackhole
configure iproute delete blackhole ipv4 default
configure iproute delete blackhole ipv6 default
configure iproute delete default
configure iproute delete direct-inter-vr
configure iproute ipv6 priority
configure iproute priority
configure iproute reserved-entries
configure iproute protection ping interval
configure iproute sharing hash-algorithm crc
configure iproute sharing hash-method custom
configure iproute sharing max-gateways
configure ip-security anomaly-protection icmp ipv4-max-size
configure ip-security anomaly-protection icmp ipv6-max-size
configure ip-security anomaly-protection notify cache
configure ip-security anomaly-protection notify rate limit
configure ip-security anomaly-protection notify rate window
configure ip-security anomaly-protection notify trigger off
configure ip-security anomaly-protection notify trigger on
configure ip-security anomaly-protection tcp
configure ip-security dhcp-bindings add
configure ip-security dhcp-bindings delete
configure ip-security dhcp-bindings storage filename
configure ip-security dhcp-bindings storage location
configure ip-security dhcp-bindings storage
configure ip-security dhcp-snooping information check
configure ip-security dhcp-snooping information circuit-id port-information port
configure ip-security dhcp-snooping information circuit-id vlan-information
configure ip-security dhcp-snooping information option
configure ip-security dhcp-snooping information policy
configure ip-security dhcp-snooping information remote-id
configure ipv6 dad
configure ipv6 hop-limit
configure iqagent http-proxy
configure iqagent server
configure irdp
configure isis add vlan
configure isis area add area-address
configure isis area add summary-address
configure isis area area-password
configure isis area delete area-address
configure isis area delete summary-address
configure isis area domain-password
configure isis area interlevel-filter level 1-to-2
configure isis area interlevel-filter level 2-to-1
configure isis area is-type level
configure isis area metric-style
configure isis area overload-bit on-startup
configure isis area system-id
configure isis area timer lsp-gen-interval
configure isis area timer lsp-refresh-interval
configure isis area timer max-lsp-lifetime
configure isis area timer restart
configure isis area timer spf-interval
configure isis area topology-mode
configure isis circuit-type
configure isis delete vlan
configure isis hello-multiplier
configure isis import-policy
configure isis link-type
configure isis mesh
configure isis metric
configure isis password vlan
configure isis priority
configure isis restart grace-period
configure isis restart
configure isis timer csnp-interval
configure isis timer hello-interval
configure isis timer lsp-interval
configure isis timer restart-hello-interval
configure isis timer retransmit-interval
configure isis wide-metric
configure jumbo-frame-size
configure keychain accept-tolerance
configure keychain add key
configure keychain delete key
configure keychain key active-lifetime
configure keychain key hash-altorithm
configure l2pt profile add profile
configure l2pt profile delete profile
configure l2vpn add peer
configure l2vpn add service
configure l2vpn delete peer
configure l2vpn delete service
configure l2vpn health-check vccv
configure l2vpn peer mpls lsp
configure l2vpn peer
configure l2vpn vpls add peer ipaddress
configure vpls add service
configure l2vpn vpls peer static-pw
configure l2vpn vpls redundancy
configure l2vpn vpws add peer ipaddress
configure l2vpn vpws peer static-pw
configure l2vpn
configure lacp member-port priority
configure ldap domain
configure ldap domain add server
configure ldap domain base-dn
configure ldap domain bind-user
configure ldap domain delete server
configure ldap domain netlogin
configure ldap hierarchical-search-oid
configure lldp management-address
configure lldp med fast-start repeat-count
configure lldp ports dcbx add application
configure lldp ports dcbx delete application
configure lldp ports management-address
configure lldp ports port-description
configure lldp ports system-capabilities
configure lldp ports system-description
configure lldp ports system-name
configure lldp ports vendor-specific avaya-extreme call-server
configure lldp ports vendor-specific avaya-extreme dot1q-framing
configure lldp ports vendor-specific avaya-extreme file-server
configure lldp ports vendor-specific avaya-extreme poe-conservation-request
configure lldp ports vendor-specific dcbx
configure lldp ports vendor-specific dot1 port-protocol-vlan-ID
configure lldp ports vendor-specific dot1 port-vlan-ID
configure lldp ports vendor-specific dot1 vlan-name
configure lldp ports vendor-specific dot3 link-aggregation
configure lldp ports vendor-specific dot3 mac-phy
configure lldp ports vendor-specific dot3 max-frame-size
configure lldp ports vendor-specific dot3 power-via-mdi
configure lldp ports vendor-specific med capabilities
configure lldp ports vendor-specific med location-identification
configure lldp ports vendor-specific med policy application
configure lldp ports vendor-specific med power-via-mdi
configure lldp reinitialize-delay
configure lldp snmp-notification-interval
configure lldp transmit-delay
configure lldp transmit-hold
configure lldp transmit-interval
configure log display
configure log filter events
configure log filter events match
configure log messages privilege
configure log target filter
configure log target format
configure log target match
configure log target memory-buffer alert percent-full
configure log target severity
configure log target syslog
configure log target upm filter
configure log target upm match
configure log target xml-notification filter
configure mac-lockdown-timeout ports aging-time
configure mac-locking ports first-arrival aging
configure mac-locking ports first-arrival limit-learning
configure mac-locking ports first-arrival link-down-action
configure mac-locking ports first-arrival move-to-static
configure mac-locking ports learn-limit-action
configure mac-locking ports log
configure mac-locking ports static delete station
configure mac-locking ports static limit-learning
configure mac-locking ports static
configure mac-locking ports trap
configure macsec cipher-suite
configure macsec connectivity-association
configure macsec hw-mode
configure macsec include-sci
configure macsec initialize ports
configure macsec mka actor-priority
configure macsec mka life-time
configure macsec replay-protect
configure mcast ipv4 cache timeout
configure mcast ipv6 cache timeout
configure meter
configure mirror add
configure mirror add ports anomaly
configure mirror control_index
configure mirror delete
configure mirror description
configure mirror name
configure mirror to
configure mirror to remote-ip delete
configure mirror to remote-ip protocol-type
configure mlag peer alternate ipaddress
configure mlag peer authentication
configure mlag peer interval
configure mlag peer ipaddress
configure mlag peer lacp-mac
configure mlag peer name
configure mlag ports convergence-control
configure mlag ports link-up-isolation
configure mlag ports reload-delay
configure mlag ports reload-interval
configure mld
configure mld snooping fast-learning
configure mld snooping filters
configure mld snooping flood-list
configure mld snooping leave-timeout
configure mld snooping timer
configure mld snooping vlan ports add dynamic group
configure mld snooping vlan ports add static group
configure mld snooping vlan ports add static router
configure mld snooping vlan ports delete static group
configure mld snooping vlan ports delete static router
configure mld snooping vlan ports filter
configure mld snooping vlan ports join-limit
configure mld ssm-map add
configure mld ssm-map delete
configure mpls add vlan
configure mpls delete vlan
configure mpls exp examination
configure mpls exp replacement
configure mpls labels max-static
configure mpls ldp advertise
configure mpls ldp loop-detection
configure mpls ldp timers
configure mpls lsr-id
configure mpls rsvp-te bandwidth committed-rate
configure mpls rsvp-te lsp add path
configure mpls rsvp-te lsp change
configure mpls rsvp-te lsp delete path
configure mpls rsvp-te lsp fast-reroute
configure mpls rsvp-te lsp path use profile
configure mpls rsvp-te lsp transport
configure mpls rsvp-te metric
configure mpls rsvp-te path add ero
configure mpls rsvp-te path delete ero
configure mpls rsvp-te profile (fast-reroute)
configure mpls rsvp-te profile
configure mpls rsvp-te timers lsp rapid-retry
configure mpls rsvp-te timers lsp standard-retry
configure mpls rsvp-te timers session
configure mpls static lsp transport
configure mpls static lsp
configure mrp ports timers
configure msdp as-display-format
configure msdp max-rejected-cache
configure msdp originator-id
configure msdp peer default-peer
configure msdp peer description
configure msdp peer mesh-group
configure msdp peer no-default-peer
configure msdp peer password
configure msdp peer sa-filter
configure msdp peer sa-limit
configure msdp peer source-interface
configure msdp peer timer
configure msdp peer ttl-threshold
configure msdp sa-cache-server
configure msrp latency-max-frame-size
configure msrp ports sr-pvid
configure msrp ports traffic-class delta-bandwidth
configure msrp sharing
configure msrp timers first-value-change-recovery
configure mstp format
configure mstp region
configure mstp revision
configure mvr add receiver
configure mvr add vlan
configure mvr delete receiver
configure mvr delete vlan
configure mvr mvr-address
configure mvr static group
configure mvrp stpd
configure mvrp tag ports registration
configure mvrp tag ports transmit
configure mvrp vlan auto-creation
configure mvrp vlan registration
configure neighbor-discovery cache add
configure neighbor-discovery cache delete
configure neighbor-discovery cache locktime
configure neighbor-discovery cache max_entries
configure neighbor-discovery cache max_pending_entries
configure neighbor-discovery cache reachable-time
configure neighbor-discovery cache retransmit-time
configure neighbor-discovery cache timeout
configure netlogin add mac-list
configure netlogin add proxy-port
configure netlogin agingtime
configure netlogin allowed-refresh-failures
configure netlogin authentication database-order
configure netlogin authentication failure vlan
configure netlogin authentication protocol-order
configure netlogin authentication service-unavailable vlan
configure netlogin banner
configure netlogin base-url
configure netlogin delete mac-list
configure netlogin delete proxy-port
configure netlogin dot1x eapol-transmit-version
configure netlogin dot1x guest-vlan
configure netlogin dot1x tag-eapol
configure netlogin dot1x timers
configure netlogin dynamic-vlan
configure netlogin dynamic-vlan uplink-ports
configure radius netlogin keep-alive
configure netlogin keep-session-reauth-svc-unavail
configure netlogin idle-timeout
configure netlogin keep-session-reauth-svc-unavail
configure netlogin local-user security-profile
configure netlogin local-user
configure netlogin mac timers reauth-period
configure netlogin mac username case
configure netlogin mac username format
configure netlogin move-fail-action
configure netlogin port allow egress-traffic
configure netlogin ports
configure netlogin ports mode
configure netlogin ports no-restart
configure netlogin ports restart
configure netlogin redirect-page
configure netlogin session-refresh
configure netlogin session-timeout
configure netlogin trap
configure netlogin vlan
configure network-clock gptp bmca
configure network-clock gptp default-set
configure network-clock gptp ports announce
configure network-clock gptp ports peer-delay
configure network-clock gptp ports sync
configure network-clock gptp slave-port
configure network-clock clock-source input
configure network-clock clock-source output
configure network-clock ptp add unicast-master
configure network-clock ptp announce interval
configure network-clock ptp boundary delete unicast-slave
configure network-clock ptp boundary add vlan
configure network-clock ptp delay-request-interval
configure network-clock ptp boundary add unicast-slave
configure network-clock ptp announce timeout
configure network-clock ptp delete
configure network-clock ptp delete unicast-master
configure network-clock ptp end-to-end transparent
configure network-clock ptp ordinary add
configure network-clock ptp (priority)
configure network-clock ptp sync-interval
configure network-clock sync-e
configure network-clock sync-e clock-source
configure nodealias ports
configure ntp key trusted/not-trusted
configure ntp local-clock none
configure ntp local-clock stratum
configure ntp restrict-list
configure ntp server/peer add
configure ntp server/peer delete
configure ospf add virtual-link
configure ospf add vlan area
configure ospf add vlan area link-type
configure ospf area add range
configure ospf area delete range
configure ospf area external-filter
configure ospf area interarea-filter
configure ospf area normal
configure ospf area nssa stub-default-cost
configure ospf area stub stub-default-cost
configure ospf area timer
configure ospf ase-limit
configure ospf ase-summary add
configure ospf ase-summary delete
configure ospf authentication
configure ospf bfd
configure ospf cost
configure ospf delete virtual-link
configure ospf delete vlan
configure ospf import-policy
configure ospf instanceid
configure ospf lsa-batch-interval
configure ospf metric-table
configure ospf priority
configure ospf restart grace-period
configure ospf restart
configure ospf restart-helper
configure ospf routerid
configure ospf spf-hold-time
configure ospf virtual-link timer
configure ospf vlan area
configure ospf vlan neighbor add
configure ospf vlan neighbor delete
configure ospf vlan timer
configure ospfv3 add interface all
configure ospfv3 add interface
configure ospfv3 add virtual-link
configure ospfv3 area add range
configure ospfv3 area cost
configure ospfv3 area delete range
configure ospfv3 area external-filter
configure ospfv3 area interarea-filter
configure ospfv3 area normal
configure ospfv3 area nssa
configure ospfv3 area priority
configure ospfv3 area stub
configure ospfv3 area timer
configure ospfv3 authentication (Authentication Trailer)
configure ospfv3 authentication
configure ospfv3 bfd
configure ospfv3 delete interface
configure ospfv3 delete virtual-link
configure ospfv3 import-policy
configure ospfv3 interface area
configure ospfv3 interface cost
configure ospfv3 interface priority
configure ospfv3 interface timer
configure ospfv3 lsa-batch-interval
configure ospfv3 metric-table
configure ospfv3 restart
configure ospfv3 restart grace-period
configure ospfv3 restart-helper
configure ospfv3 routerid
configure ospfv3 spf-hold-time
configure ospfv3 virtual-link authentication (Authentication Trailer)
configure ospfv3 virtual-link authentication
configure ospfv3 virtual-link restart-helper
configure ospfv3 virtual-link timer
configure pim add tunnel
configure pim add vlan
configure pim anycast-rp
configure pim border
configure pim cbsr
configure pim crp static
configure pim crp timer
configure pim crp vlan
configure pim delete tunnel
configure pim delete vlan
configure pim dense-neighbor-check
configure pim dr-priority
configure pim iproute sharing hash
configure pim register-policy
configure pim register-policy rp
configure pim register-rate-limit-interval
configure pim register-suppress-interval register-probe-interval
configure pim snooping sgrpt-prune
configure pim shutdown-priority
configure pim spt-threshold
configure pim ssm range
configure pim state-refresh timer origination-interval
configure pim state-refresh timer source-active-timer
configure pim state-refresh ttl
configure pim state-refresh
configure pim timer tunnel
configure pim timer vlan
configure pim tunnel dr-priority
configure pim vlan trusted-gateway
configure policy access-list
configure policy autoclear
configure policy app-signature group name pattern
configure policy app-signature minimum-ttl
configure policy captive-portal
configure policy captive-portal listening
configure policy captive-portal rule-use
configure policy convergence-endpoint
configure policy convergence-endpoint clear
configure policy convergence-endpoint index
configure policy convergence-endpoint ports
configure policy invalid action
configure policy maptable
configure policy port
configure policy profile
configure policy resource-profile
configure policy rule
configure policy rule admin-profile
configure policy rule-model
configure policy slices shared
configure policy slices tci-overwrite
configure policy syslog
configure policy vlanauthorization
configure policy vlanauthorization port
configure port description-string
configure port ethertype
configure port reflective-relay
configure port shared-packet-buffer
configure ports
configure ports auto off
configure ports auto on
configure ports auto-polarity
configure ports ddmi
configure ports debounce time
configure ports display-string
configure ports dot1p
configure ports dwdm channel none
configure ports dwdm channel
configure ports eee
configure ports forward-error-correction
configure ports ingress-filtering
configure ports isolation
configure ports l2pt profile
configure ports link-flap-detection action
configure ports link-flap-detection interval threshold disable-time
configure ports link-flap-detection
configure ports link-scan interval
configure ports monitor vlan
configure ports partition
configure ports preferred-medium
configure ports protocol filter
configure ports qosprofile
configure ports rate-limit egress
configure ports rate-limit flood
configure ports redundant
configure ports vlan
configure power monitor
configure private-vlan add network
configure private-vlan add subscriber
configure private-vlan delete
configure protocol add
configure process group other cpu-limit
configure process group other memory-limit
configure protocol delete
configure protocol filter
configure qosprofile
configure qosprofile weight
configure qosprofile wred
configure qosprofile egress wred ecn
configure qosscheduler weighted-deficit-round-robin
configure radius-accounting retries
configure radius-accounting server client-ip
configure radius-accounting shared-secret
configure radius-accounting timeout
configure radius algorithm
configure radius dynamic-authorization server client-ip
configure radius netlogin keep-alive
configure radius netlogin keep-alive interval
configure radius port bounce
configure radius retries
configure radius server client-ip
configure radius shared-secret
configure radius timeout
configure radius tls ocsp
configure radius tls ocsp nonce
configure radius tls ocsp override
configure radius tls ocsp signer
configure radius tls tcp-user-timeout
configure rip add vlan
configure rip delete vlan
configure rip garbagetime
configure rip import-policy
configure rip routetimeout
configure rip updatetime
configure rip vlan cost
configure rip vlan route-policy
configure rip vlan rxmode
configure rip vlan trusted-gateway
configure rip vlan txmode
configure ripng add
configure ripng cost
configure ripng delete
configure ripng garbagetime
configure ripng import-policy
configure ripng route-policy
configure ripng routetimeout
configure ripng trusted-gateway
configure ripng updatetime
configure security fips-mode
configure security python
configure sflow agent ipaddress
configure sflow collector ipaddress
configure sflow max-cpu-sample-limit
configure sflow poll-interval
configure sflow ports sample-rate
configure sflow sample-rate
configure sharing add ports
configure sharing address-based custom
configure sharing address-based custom hash-seed
configure sharing algorithm
configure sharing delete ports
configure sharing distribution-mode
configure sharing health-check member-port add tcp-tracking
configure sharing health-check member-port delete tcp-tracking
configure sharing health-check member-port tcp-tracking
configure sharing lacp activity-mode
configure sharing lacp defaulted-state-action
configure sharing lacp fallback
configure sharing lacp fallback timeout
configure sharing lacp system-priority
configure sharing lacp timeout
configure sharing minimum-active
configure sharing port-based key
configure slot description
configure slot module
configure slot restart-limit
configure slpp guard ethertype
configure slpp guard recovery-timeout
configure snmp access-profile
configure snmp add community
configure snmp add trapreceiver
configure snmp delete community
configure snmp delete trapreceiver
configure snmp ifmibifalias size
configure snmp sysContact
configure snmp sysLocation
configure snmp sysName
configure snmp traps batch-delay bfd
configure snmpv3 add access
configure snmpv3 add community
configure snmpv3 add filter
configure snmpv3 add filter-profile
configure snmpv3 add group user
configure snmpv3 add mib-view
configure snmpv3 add notify
configure snmpv3 add target-addr
configure snmpv3 add target-params
configure snmpv3 add user
configure snmpv3 add user clone-from
configure snmpv3 delete access
configure snmpv3 delete community
configure snmpv3 delete filter
configure snmpv3 delete filter-profile
configure snmpv3 delete group user
configure snmpv3 delete mib-view
configure snmpv3 delete notify
configure snmpv3 delete target-addr
configure snmpv3 delete target-params
configure snmpv3 delete user
configure snmpv3 engine-boots
configure snmpv3 engine-id
configure snmpv3 target-addr retry
configure snmpv3 target-addr timeout
configure snmpv3 user password-policy
configure sntp-client
configure sntp-client update-interval
configure ssh2 access-profile
configure ssh2 dh-group
configure ssh2 disable cipher mac
configure ssh2 disable pk-alg
configure ssh2 enable cipher mac
configure ssh2 enable pk-alg
configure ssh2 idletimeout
configure ssh2 key
configure ssh2 key algorithm
configure ssh2 login-grace-timeout
configure ssh2 rekey
configure ssh2 secure-mode
configure ssh2 x509v3 key algorithm
configure ssh2 x509v3 ocsp
configure ssh2 x509v3 ocsp nonce
configure ssh2 x509v3 ocsp override
configure ssh2 x509v3 ocsp signer
configure ssh2 x509v3 radius-password-auth
configure ssh2 x509v3 username overwrite
configure ssh2 x509v3 username strip-domain
configure ssh2 x509v3 username use-domain
configure sshd2 user-key add user
configure sshd2 user-key delete user
configure ssl certificate hash-algorithm
configure ssl certificate pregenerated
configure ssl certificate privkeylen
configure ssl csr
configure ssl privkey pregenerated
configure stack-ports debounce time
configure stacking alternate-ip-address
configure stacking easy-setup
configure stacking license-level
configure stacking mac-address
configure stacking master-capability
configure stacking node-address
configure stacking priority
configure stacking redundancy
configure stacking slot-number automatic
configure stacking-support auto-discovery
configure stacking-support stack-ports
configure stpd add vlan
configure stpd backup-root
configure stpd bpdu-forwarding
configure stpd default-encapsulation
configure stpd delete vlan
configure stpd description
configure stpd filter-method
configure stpd flush-method
configure stpd forwarddelay
configure stpd hellotime
configure stpd loop-protect event-threshold
configure stpd loop-protect event-window
configure stpd maxage
configure stpd max-hop-count
configure stpd mode
configure stpd multicast send-query
configure stpd ports active-role disable
configure stpd ports active-role enable
configure stpd ports auto-edge
configure stpd ports bpdu-restrict
configure stpd ports cost
configure stpd ports edge-safeguard disable
configure stpd ports edge-safeguard enable
configure stpd ports link-type
configure stpd ports loop-protect
configure stpd ports loop-protect partner
configure stpd ports mode
configure stpd ports port-priority
configure stpd ports priority
configure stpd ports reflection-bpdu
configure stpd ports restricted-role disable
configure stpd ports restricted-role enable
configure stpd ports restricted-tcn
configure stpd priority
configure stpd priority-mode
configure stpd tag
configure stpd trap new-root
configure stpd trap topology-change
configure stpd tx-hold-count
configure switch boot-menu delay
configure switch integrity-check image
configure sys-health-check all level
configure syslog add
configure syslog tls cipher
configure syslog tls ocsp
configure syslog tls ocsp nonce
configure syslog tls ocsp override
configure syslog tls ocsp signer
configure syslog tls tcp-user-timeout
configure syslog delete
configure syslog reference-identifier
configure system ports notation
configure sys-recovery-level switch
configure sys-recovery-level
configure tacacs priv-lvl
configure tacacs server
configure tacacs server client-ip
configure tacacs shared-secret
configure tacacs timeout
configure tacacs-accounting server client-ip
configure tacacs-accounting shared-secret
configure tacacs-accounting timeout
configure tech-support add collector
configure tech-support collector
configure tech-support collector data-set
configure tech-support collector frequency error-detected
configure tech-support collector report
configure tech-support delete collector
configure telnet access-profile
configure telnet port
configure telnet vr
configure time
configure timezone
configure trusted-ports trust-for dhcp-server
configure trusted-servers add server
configure trusted-servers delete server
configure tunnel ipaddress
configure tunnel ip mtu
configure tunnel ip tcp adjust-mss
configure tunnel ipv6 tcp adjust-mss
configure twamp endpoint
configure twamp key-id
configure twamp reflector
configure twamp server
configure upm event
configure upm profile maximum execution-time
configure upm timer after
configure upm timer at
configure upm timer profile
configure virtual-network
configure virtual-network add network ports
configure virtual-network delete network ports
configure virtual-network dynamic
configure virtual-network flooding
configure virtual-network local endpoint
configure virtual-network monitor
configure virtual-network multicast group
configure virtual-network name
configure virtual-network remote-endpoint vxlan ipaddress
configure virtual-network remote-endpoint vxlan ipaddress monitor
configure virtual-network replication-role
configure virtual-network vxlan vni
configure vlan add nsi | isid
configure vlan add ports
configure vlan add ports private-vlan translated
configure vlan add ports stpd
configure vlan add secondary-ipaddress
configure vlan delete nsi | isid
configure vlan delete ports
configure vlan delete secondary-ipaddress
configure vlan description
configure vlan dhcp-address-range
configure vlan dhcp-lease-timer
configure vlan dhcp-options
configure vlan dynamic-vlan uplink-ports
configure vlan ipaddress
configure vlan l2pt profile
configure vlan name
configure vlan netlogin-lease-timer
configure vlan qosprofile
configure vlan protocol
configure vlan router-discovery add prefix
configure vlan router-discovery default-lifetime
configure vlan router-discovery delete prefix
configure vlan router-discovery link-mtu
configure vlan router-discovery managed-config-flag
configure vlan router-discovery max-interval
configure vlan router-discovery min-interval
configure vlan router-discovery other-config-flag
configure vlan router-discovery reachable-time
configure vlan router-discovery retransmit-time
configure vlan router-discovery set prefix
configure router-discovery vrrp-lla-only
configure vlan subvlan
configure vlan subvlan-address-range
configure vlan suppress
configure vlan tag
configure vlan udp-profile
configure vlan untagged-ports auto-move
configure vlan-translation add loopback-port
configure vlan-translation add member-vlan
configure vlan-translation delete loopback-port
configure vlan-translation delete member-vlan
configure vm add | delete ports
configure vm add virtual-interface
configure vm delete virtual-interface
configure vm cpus
configure vm disk bus-type
configure vm memory
configure vm vnc
configure vman add ports
configure vman add ports cep
configure vman delete ports
configure vman ethertype
configure vman ports add cvid
configure vman ports delete cvid
configure vman protocol
configure vman tag
configure vm-tracking authentication database-order
configure vm-tracking blackhole
configure vm-tracking local-vm
configure vm-tracking nms timeout
configure vm-tracking nms
configure vm-tracking repository
configure vm-tracking timers
configure vm-tracking vpp add
configure vm-tracking vpp counters
configure vm-tracking vpp delete
configure vm-tracking vpp vlan-tag
configure vpex auto-configuration mlag-id
configure vpex mlag-id peer
configure vpex ports
configure vpex ring rebalancing
configure vpls
configure vpls add peer
configure vpls delete peer
configure vpls delete service
configure vpls health-check vccv
configure vpls peer l2pt profile
configure vpls peer mpls lsp
configure vpls peer
configure vpls snmp-vpn-identifier
configure vr add ports
configure vr add protocol
configure vr delete ports
configure vr delete protocol
configure vr description
configure vr rd
configure vr route-target
configure vr vpn-id
configure vrrp group
configure vrrp fabric-routing
configure vrrp vlan vrid accept-mode
configure vrrp vlan vrid add ipaddress
configure vrrp vlan vrid add track-iproute
configure vrrp vlan vrid add track-ping
configure vrrp vlan vrid add track-vlan
configure vrrp vlan vrid add virtual-link-local
configure vrrp vlan vrid advertisement-interval
configure vrrp vlan vrid delete track-iproute
configure vrrp vlan vrid delete track-ping
configure vrrp vlan vrid delete track-vlan
configure vrrp vlan vrid delete ipaddress
configure vrrp vlan vrid dont-preempt
configure vrrp vlan vrid host-mobility
configure vrrp vlan vrid ipv4 checksum
configure vrrp vlan vrid preempt
configure vrrp vlan vrid priority
configure vrrp vlan vrid track-mode
configure vrrp vlan vrid version
configure web http access-profile
configure xml-notification target add/delete
configure xml-notification target
configure l2pt encapsulation dest-mac
create access-list
create access-list network-zone
create access-list zone
create account
create auto-peering bgp
create auto-peering ospf
create bgp evpn instance
create bgp neighbor peer-group
create bgp neighbor remote-AS-number
create bgp peer-group
create cfm domain dns md-level
create cfm domain mac md-level
create cfm domain string md-level
create cfm segment destination
create database
create eaps shared-port
create eaps
create erps ring
create esrp
create fdb mac-tracking entry
create fdb vlan ports
create flow-redirect
create identity-management role
create ip nat rule
create isis area
create keychain
create l2pt profile
create l2vpn fec-id-type pseudo-wire
create ldap domain
create log filter
create log message
create log target upm
create log target xml-notification
create macsec connectivity-association
create meter
create mirror control_index
create mirror
create mlag peer
create mpls rsvp-te path
create mpls rsvp-te lsp
create mpls rsvp-te profile fast-reroute
create mpls rsvp-te profile
create mpls static lsp
create msdp mesh-group
create msdp peer
create netlogin local-user
create network-clock ptp
create ntp key
create ospf area
create ospfv3 area
create policy access-list
create policy access-list action-set
create ports group
create private-vlan
create process executable
create process python-module
create protocol
create qosprofile
create sshd2 key-file
create sshd2 user-key
create stpd
create tunnel 6to4
create tunnel gre destination source
create tunnel ipv6-in-ipv4
create upm profile
create upm timer
create virtual-network
create virtual-network remote-endpoint vxlan ipaddress
create virtual-router
create vlan
create vm image
create vm ova
create vman
create vm-tracking local-vm
create vm-tracking vpp
create vpls fec-id-type pseudo-wire
create vrrp group
create vrrp vlan vrid
create xml-notification target url
delete access-list
delete access-list network-zone
delete access-list zone
delete account
delete auto-peering
delete bgp evpn instance
delete bgp neighbor
delete bgp peer-group
delete cfm domain
delete cfm segment
delete database
delete eaps shared-port
delete eaps
delete erps
delete esrp
delete fdb mac-tracking entry
delete fdb
delete flow-redirect
delete identity-management role
delete instant-port profile
delete ip nat rule
delete isis area
delete keychain
delete l2pt profile
delete l2vpn
delete ldap domain
delete log filter
delete log target upm
delete log target xml-notification
delete macsec connectivity-association
delete meter
delete mirror name
delete mlag peer
delete mpls rsvp-te lsp
delete mpls rsvp-te path
delete mpls rsvp-te profile
delete mpls static lsp
delete msdp mesh-group
delete msdp peer
delete netlogin local-user
delete network-clock ptp
delete ntp key
delete ospf area
delete ospfv3 area
delete policy access-list
delete policy access-list action-set
delete ports group
delete private-vlan
delete process
delete protocol
delete qosprofile
delete sshd2 user-key
delete stpd
delete tunnel
delete upm profile
delete upm timer
delete var
delete var key
delete virtual-network
delete virtual-network remote-endpoint vxlan ipaddress
delete virtual-router
delete vlan
delete vman
delete vm
delete vm-tracking local-vm
delete vm-tracking vpp
delete vpls
delete vrrp group
delete vrrp vlan vrid
delete xml-notification target
disable access-list permit to-cpu
disable access-list refresh blackhole
disable account
disable auto-provision
disable avb
disable avb ports
disable bgp
disable bgp advertise-inactive-route
disable bgp aggregation
disable bgp always-compare-med
disable bgp community format
disable bgp export vr
disable bgp export
disable bgp export [static | direct] l2vpn-evpn
disable bgp fast-external-fallover
disable bgp mpls-next-hop
disable bgp multipath-relax
disable bgp neighbor address-family l2vpn-evpn
disable bgp neighbor capability address-family vpnv4
disable bgp neighbor capability
disable bgp neighbor originate-default
disable bgp neighbor remove-private-AS-numbers
disable bgp neighbor soft-in-reset
disable bgp neighbor
disable bgp peer-group capability address-family vpnv4
disable bgp peer-group capability
disable bgp peer-group next-hop-unchanged
disable bgp peer-group originate-default
disable bgp peer-group remove-private-AS-numbers
disable bgp peer-group soft-in-reset
disable bgp peer-group
disable bootp vlan
disable bootprelay ipv6
disable bootprelay
disable cdp ports
disable cfm segment frame-delay measurement
disable cfm segment frame-loss measurement mep
disable clear-flow
disable cli history expansion
disable cli prompting
disable cli refresh
disable cli scripting
disable cli scripting output
disable cli space-completion
disable cli config-logging
disable cli-config-logging expansion
disable cli paging
disable cpu-monitoring
disable dhcp ports vlan
disable dhcp vlan
disable diffserv examination ports
disable diffserv replacement ports
disable dns cache
disable dns cache analytics
disable dns cache dnssec
disable dos-protect
disable dot1p examination inner-tag ports
disable dot1p examination ports
disable dot1p replacement ports
disable eaps
disable edp ports
disable elrp-client
disable elsm ports
disable elsm ports auto-restart
disable erps
disable erps block-vc-recovery
disable erps ring-name
disable erps topology-change
disable esrp
disable ethernet oam ports link-fault-management
disable fdb static-mac-move
disable flooding ports
disable flow-control ports
disable icmp ipv6
disable icmp redirects ipv6 fast-path
disable icmp redirects
disable icmp useredirects
disable identity-management
disable cli idletimeout
disable igmp
disable igmp snooping vlan fast-leave
disable igmp snooping
disable igmp ssm-map
disable inline-power legacy slot
disable inline-power legacy
disable inline-power ports
disable inline-power slot
disable inline-power
disable ip anycast
disable ip nat
disable ip nat rule
disable iparp checking
disable iparp gratuitous protect vlan
disable iparp refresh
disable ip-fix ports
disable ipforwarding broadcast
disable ipforwarding broadcast
disable ipforwarding ipv6
disable ipmcforwarding ipv6
disable ipmcforwarding
disable ipmcforwarding tunnel
disable ip option loose-source-route
disable ip option strict-source-route
disable iproute bfd
disable iproute bfd strict
disable iproute compression
disable iproute ipv6 compression
disable iproute ipv6 sharing
disable iproute mpls-next-hop
disable iproute protection ping
disable iproute sharing
disable ip-security anomaly-protection icmp
disable ip-security anomaly-protection ip
disable ip-security anomaly-protection l4port
disable ip-security anomaly-protection notify
disable ip-security anomaly-protection tcp flags
disable ip-security anomaly-protection tcp fragment
disable ip-security anomaly-protection
disable ip-security arp gratuitous-protection
disable ip-security arp learning learn-from-arp
disable ip-security arp learning learn-from-dhcp
disable ip-security arp validation
disable ip-security dhcp-bindings restoration
disable ip-security dhcp-snooping
disable ip-security source-ip-lockdown ports
disable iqagent
disable irdp
disable isis
disable isis area adjacency-check
disable isis area dynamic-hostname
disable isis area export ipv6
disable isis area export
disable isis area originate-default
disable isis area overload-bit
disable isis hello-padding
disable isis restart-helper
disable jumbo-frame ports
disable l2vpn
disable l2vpn health-check vccv
disable l2vpn service
disable l2vpn sharing
disable l2vpn vpls peer fdb send-mac-withdrawal
disable learning iparp sender-mac
disable learning port
disable learning vxlan ipaddress
disable led locator
disable lldp ports
disable log debug-mode
disable log display
disable log target
disable log target upm
disable log target xml-notification
disable loopback-mode vlan
disable mac-lockdown-timeout ports
disable mac-locking ports
disable mac-locking
disable mirror
disable mirror control_index
disable mlag port
disable mlag port reload-delay
disable mld
disable mld snooping
disable mld-ssm map
disable mpls
disable mpls bfd
disable mpls exp examination
disable mpls exp replacement
disable mpls ldp bgp-routes
disable mpls ldp loop-detection
disable mpls ldp
disable mpls php
disable mpls protocol ldp
disable mpls protocol rsvp-te
disable mpls rsvp-te bundle-message
disable mpls rsvp-te fast-reroute
disable mpls rsvp-te lsp
disable mpls rsvp-te summary-refresh
disable mpls rsvp-te
disable mpls static lsp
disable mpls vlan
disable msdp
disable msdp data-encapsulation
disable msdp export local-sa
disable msdp peer
disable msdp process-sa-request
disable msrp
disable mvr
disable mvrp
disable mvrp ports
disable neighbor-discovery refresh
disable netlogin authentication failure vlan ports
disable netlogin authentication service-unavailable vlan ports
disable netlogin dot1x guest-vlan ports
disable netlogin logout-privilege
disable netlogin ports
disable netlogin reauthenticate-on-refresh
disable netlogin redirect-page
disable netlogin session-refresh
disable netlogin
disable network-clock gptp ports
disable network-clock gptp
disable network-clock ptp
disable network-clock sync-e
disable nodealias ports
disable nodealias protocol
disable ntp
disable ntp authentication
disable ntp broadcast-client
disable ntp broadcast-server
disable ntp vlan
disable ntp vr
disable ospf
disable ospf capability opaque-lsa
disable ospf export
disable ospf mpls-next-hop
disable ospf originate-default
disable ospf restart-helper-lsa-check
disable ospf use-ip-router-alert
disable ospf vxlan-extensions
disable ospfv3
disable ospfv3 restart-helper-lsa-check
disable ospfv3 export
disable ospf export vr
disable ospfv3 virtual-link restart-helper-lsa-check
disable pim iproute sharing
disable pim snooping
disable pim ssm tunnel
disable pim ssm vlan
disable pim
disable policy
disable port
disable ports mlag-id
disable radius
disable radius-accounting
disable radius dynamic-authorization
disable rip
disable rip aggregation
disable rip export
disable rip originate-default
disable rip poisonreverse
disable rip splithorizon
disable rip triggerupdates
disable rip use-ip-router-alert
disable ripng
disable ripng export
disable ripng originate-default
disable ripng poisonreverse
disable ripng splithorizon
disable ripng triggerupdate
disable rmon
disable router-discovery
disable sflow ports
disable sflow
disable sharing
disable slpp guard
disable smartredundancy
disable snmp access vr
disable snmp access
disable snmp authentication-traps
disable snmp community
disable snmp trap l3vpn
disable snmp traps
disable snmp traps bfd
disable snmp traps configuration
disable snmp traps fdb mac-tracking
disable snmp traps identity-management
disable snmp traps l2vpn
disable snmp traps l3vpn
disable snmp traps lldp
disable snmp traps lldp-med
disable snmp traps mpls
disable snmp traps ospf
disable snmp traps ospfv3
disable snmp traps port-up-down ports
disable snmpv3
disable snmpv3 community
disable sntp-client
disable ssh2
disable stacking
disable stacking-support
disable stpd
disable stpd auto-bind
disable stpd ports
disable stpd rapid-root-failover
disable switch bluetooth
disable switch bluetooth
disable switch locally-administered-address
disable switch usb
disable syslog
disable subvlan-proxy-arp vlan
disable tacacs
disable tacacs-accounting
disable tacacs-authorization
disable tech-support collector
disable telnet
disable tunnel
disable twamp reflector
disable twamp server
disable udp-echo-server
disable upm profile
disable virtual-network remote-endpoint vxlan
disable virtual-router
disable vlan
disable vm autostart
disable vm-tracking dynamic-vlan ports
disable vm-tracking
disable vm-tracking ports
disable vman cep egress filtering ports
disable vpex
disable vpex auto-configuration
disable vpex auto-upgrade
disable vpls
disable vpls fdb mac-withdrawal
disable vpls health-check vccv
disable vpls service
disable vrrp group
disable vrrp vrid
disable watchdog
disable web http
disable web https
disable cli xml-mode
disable msrp ports
download bootrom
download image
download ssl certificate
download ssl privkey
edit policy
edit upm profile
eject usb
enable access-list permit to-cpu
enable access-list refresh blackhole
enable account
enable avb
enable avb ports
enable bgp
enable bgp advertise-inactive-route
enable bgp aggregation
enable bgp always-compare-med
enable bgp community format
enable bgp export
enable bgp export vr
enable bgp export [static | direct] l2vpn-evpn
enable bgp fast-external-fallover
enable bgp mpls-next-hop
enable bgp multipath-relax
enable bgp neighbor
enable bgp neighbor address-family l2vpn-evpn
enable bgp neighbor capability
enable bgp neighbor capability address-family vpnv4
enable bgp neighbor originate-default
enable bgp neighbor remove-private-AS-numbers
enable bgp neighbor soft-in-reset
enable bgp peer-group
enable bgp peer-group capability
enable bgp peer-group capability
enable bgp peer-group capability address-family vpnv4
enable bgp peer-group next-hop-unchanged
enable bgp peer-group originate-default
enable bgp peer-group remove-private-AS-numbers
enable bgp peer-group soft-in-reset
enable bootp vlan
enable bootprelay ipv6
enable bootprelay
enable cdp ports
enable cfm segment frame-delay measurement
enable cfm segment frame-loss measurement mep
enable clear-flow
enable cli history expansion
enable cli prompting
enable cli refresh
enable cli scripting
enable cli scripting output
enable cli space-completion
enable cli config-logging
enable cli-config-logging expansion
enable cli paging
enable cpu-monitoring
enable dhcp ports vlan
enable dhcp vlan
enable diffserv examination ports
enable diffserv replacement ports
enable | disable ip-fix
enable dns cache
enable dns cache dnssec
enable dns cache analytics
enable dos-protect simulated
enable dos-protect
enable dot1p examination inner-tag port
enable dot1p examination ports
enable dot1p replacement ports
enable eaps
enable edp ports
enable elrp-client
enable elsm ports
enable elsm ports auto-restart
enable erps
enable erps block-vc-recovery
enable erps ring-name
enable erps topology-change
enable esrp
enable ethernet oam ports link-fault-management
enable fdb static-mac-move
enable flooding ports
enable flow-control ports
enable icmp ipv6
enable icmp redirects ipv6 fast-path
enable icmp redirects
enable icmp useredirects
enable identity-management
enable cli idle-timeout
enable igmp
enable igmp snooping
enable igmp snooping vlan fast-leave
enable igmp snooping with-proxy
enable igmp ssm-map
enable inline-power
enable inline-power ports
enable inline-power slot
enable ip anycast
enable ip nat
enable ip nat rule
enable iparp checking
enable iparp gratuitous protect
enable iparp refresh
enable ip-fix ports
enable ipforwarding ipv6
enable ipforwarding
enable ipmcforwarding ipv6
enable ipmcforwarding
enable ipmcforwarding tunnel
enable ip option loose-source-route
enable ip option strict-source-route
enable iproute bfd
enable iproute bfd strict
enable iproute compression
enable iproute ipv6 compression
enable iproute mpls-next-hop
enable iproute protection ping
enable iproute sharing
enable ip-security anomaly-protection icmp
enable ip-security anomaly-protection ip
enable ip-security anomaly-protection l4port
enable ip-security anomaly-protection notify
enable ip-security anomaly-protection tcp flags
enable ip-security anomaly-protection tcp fragment
enable ip-security anomaly-protection
enable ip-security arp gratuitous-protection
enable ip-security arp learning learn-from-arp
enable ip-security arp learning learn-from-dhcp
enable ip-security arp validation violation-action
enable ip-security dhcp-bindings restoration
enable ip-security dhcp-snooping
enable ip-security source-ip-lockdown ports
enable iqagent
enable irdp
enable isis
enable isis area adjacency-check
enable isis area dynamic-hostname
enable isis area export
enable isis area export ipv6
enable isis area originate-default
enable isis area overload-bit
enable isis hello-padding
enable isis restart-helper
enable jumbo-frame ports
enable l2vpn
enable l2vpn health-check vccv
enable l2vpn service
enable l2vpn sharing
enable l2vpn vpls peer fdb send-mac-withdrawal
enable learning iparp sender-mac
enable learning port
enable learning vxlan ipaddress
enable led locator
enable license
enable license file
enable lldp ports
enable log debug-mode
enable log display
enable log target
enable log target upm
enable log target xml-notification
enable loopback-mode vlan
enable mac-lockdown-timeout ports
enable mac-locking ports
enable mac-locking
enable mirror
enable mirror control_index
enable mirror to port
enable mirror to remote-ip
enable mlag port peer id
enable mlag port reload-delay
enable mld
enable mld snooping
enable mld snooping with-proxy
enable mld ssm-map
enable mpls
enable mpls bfd
enable mpls exp examination
enable mpls exp replacement
enable mpls ldp bgp-routes
enable mpls ldp loop-detection
enable mpls ldp
enable mpls php
enable mpls protocol ldp
enable mpls protocol rsvp-te
enable mpls rsvp-te bundle-message
enable mpls rsvp-te fast-reroute
enable mpls rsvp-te lsp
enable mpls rsvp-te summary-refresh
enable mpls rsvp-te
enable mpls static lsp
enable mpls vlan
enable msdp data-encapsulation
enable msdp export local-sa
enable msdp peer
enable msdp process-sa-request
enable msdp
enable msrp ports
enable msrp
enable mvr
enable mvrp
enable mvrp ports
enable neighbor-discovery refresh
enable netlogin
enable netlogin authentication failure vlan ports
enable netlogin authentication service-unavailable vlan ports
enable netlogin dot1x guest-vlan ports
enable netlogin logout-privilege
enable netlogin ports
enable netlogin reauthentication-on-refresh
enable netlogin redirect-page
enable netlogin session-refresh
enable network-clock gptp
enable network-clock gptp ports
enable network-clock ptp
enable network-clock ptp end-to-end transparent
enable network-clock ptp unicast-negotiation
enable network-clock sync-e
enable nodealias ports
enable nodealias protocol
enable ntp
enable ntp authentication
enable ntp broadcast-client
enable ntp broadcast-server
enable ntp vlan
enable ntp vr
enable ospf
enable ospf capability opaque-lsa
enable ospf export
enable ospf export vr
enable ospf mpls-next-hop
enable ospf originate-default
enable ospf restart-helper-lsa-check
enable ospf use-ip-router-alert
enable ospf vxlan-extensions
enable ospfv3
enable ospfv3 export
enable ospfv3 restart-helper-lsa-check
enable ospfv3 virtual-link restart-helper-lsa-check
enable pim
enable pim iproute sharing
enable pim snooping
enable pim ssm tunnel
enable pim ssm vlan
enable policy
enable port
enable ports mlag-id
enable radius
enable radius-accounting
enable radius dynamic-authorization
enable rip
enable rip aggregation
enable rip export
enable rip originate-default cost
enable rip poisonreverse
enable rip splithorizon
enable rip triggerupdates
enable rip use-ip-router-alert
enable ripng
enable ripng export
enable ripng originate-default
enable ripng poisonreverse
enable ripng splithorizon
enable ripng triggerupdates
enable rmon
enable router-discovery
enable sflow
enable sflow ports
enable sharing grouping
enable slpp guard
enable smartredundancy
enable snmp access
enable snmp access vr
enable snmp authentication-traps
enable snmp community
enable snmp trap l3vpn
enable snmp traps
enable snmp traps configuration
enable snmp traps bfd
enable snmp traps fdb mac-tracking
enable snmp traps identity-management
enable snmp traps l2vpn
enable snmp traps l3vpn
enable snmp traps lldp
enable snmp traps lldp-med
enable snmp traps mpls
enable snmp traps ospf
enable snmp traps ospfv3
enable snmp traps port-up-down ports
enable snmpv3
enable snmpv3 community
enable sntp-client
enable ssh2
enable stacking
enable stacking-support
enable stpd
enable stpd auto-bind
enable stpd ports
enable stpd rapid-root-failover
enable subvlan-proxy-arp vlan
enable switch access
enable switch bluetooth
enable switch locally-administered-address
enable switch usb
enable syslog
enable tacacs
enable tacacs-accounting
enable tacacs-authorization
enable tech-support collector
enable telnet
enable tunnel
enable twamp reflector
enable twamp server
enable udp-echo-server
enable upm profile
enable virtual-network remote-endpoint vxlan
enable virtual-router
enable vlan
enable vman cep egress filtering ports
enable vm autostart
enable vm-tracking
enable vm-tracking dynamic-vlan ports
enable vm-tracking ports
enable vpex
enable vpex auto-configuration
enable vpex auto-upgrade
enable vpls
enable vpls fdb mac-withdrawal
enable vpls health-check vccv
enable vpls service
enable vrrp group
enable vrrp vrid
enable watchdog
enable web http
enable web https
enable cli xml-mode
enable/disable bfd vlan
enable/disable xml-notification
install bootrom
install firmware
install firmware lrm-macsec-adapter
install image
install image inactive
load script
load var key
open vm console
ping mac port
ping mpls lsp
refresh access-list network-zone
refresh identity-management role
refresh igmp ssm-map
refresh mld ssm-map
refresh policy
reset inline-power ports
restart ports
restart process
restart process mpls
restart vm
resume vm
rtlookup rpf
run diagnostics
run elrp
run failover
run provisioning
run script
run tech-support report
run update
run upm profile
run vm-tracking repository
save configuration
save configuration as-script
save configuration automatic
save debug tracefiles
save var key
save vm image
save vm state
set var
show access-list
show access-list configuration
show access-list counter
show access-list counters process
show access-list dynamic rule
show access-list dynamic counter
show access-list dynamic
show access-list interface
show access-list meter
show access-list network-zone
show access-list usage acl-mask port
show access-list usage acl-range port
show access-list usage acl-rule port
show access-list usage acl-slice port
show access-list width
show accounts
show accounts password-policy
show auto-peering
show auto-peering one-config
show auto-provision
show auto-provision cloud-connector
show automation edge database
show automation edge devices
show avb
show bandwidth pool
show banner
show banner netlogin
show bfd
show bfd counters
show bfd session client
show bfd session counters missed-hellos
show bfd session counters vr all
show bfd session detail vr all
show bfd session vr all
show bfd vlan counters
show bfd vlan
show bgp
show bgp evpn
show bpg evpn evi
show bgp evpn ipv4
show bgp evpn ipv6
show bgp evpn l3vni
show bgp evpn mac
show bgp memory
show bgp neighbor [flap-statistics | suppressed-routes]
show bgp neighbor received orf
show bgp neighbor
show bgp peer-group
show bgp routes summary
show bgp routes
show bootprelay
show bootprelay configuration
show bootprelay configuration ipv4
show bootprelay configuration ipv6
show bootprelay dhcp-agent information circuit-id port-information
show bootprelay dhcp-agent information circuit-id vlan-information
show bootprelay ipv6
show bootprelay ipv6 prefix-delegation snooping
show cdp
show cdp counters
show cdp neighbor
show cdp ports
show cfm detail
show cfm groups
show cfm segment frame-delay statistics
show cfm segment frame-delay
show cfm segment frame-delay/frame-loss mep id
show cfm segment frame-loss statistics
show cfm segment frame-loss
show cfm segment mep
show cfm segment
show cfm session counters missed-hellos
show cfm
show checkpoint-data
show clear-flow
show clear-flow acl-modified
show clear-flow rule
show clear-flow rule-all
show clear-flow rule-triggered
show cli journal
show configuration
show configuration difference
show configuration “xmlc”
show cos-index
show counters vr
show cpu-monitoring
show database
show debug
show dhcp-client state
show dhcp-server
show diagnostics
show diffserv examination
show diffserv replacement
show dns-client
show dns cache analytics configuration
show dns cache analytics protected-client
show dns cache configuration
show dns cache analytics statistics
show dns cache
show dns cache name-server
show dos-protect
show dot1p
show dwdm channel-map
show eaps
show eaps cfm groups
show eaps counters shared-port
show eaps counters
show eaps shared-port
show eaps shared-port neighbor-info
show edp
show elrp
show elrp disabled-ports
show elrp dynamic-vlans
show elsm ports
show elsm
show erps
show erps ring-name
show erps statistics
show esrp
show esrp aware
show esrp counters
show ethernet oam
show fabric attach agent
show fabric attach assignments
show fabric attach elements
show fabric attach port
show fabric attach ports authentication
show fabric attach statistics
show fabric attach zero-touch-client
show failsafe-account
show fans
show fdb
show fdb mac-tracking configuration
show fdb mac-tracking statistics
show fdb static-mac-move configuration
show fdb stats
show flow-redirect
show forwarding configuration
show forwarding hardware-utilization
show heartbeat process
show identity-management blacklist
show identity-management entries
show identity-management greylist
show identity-management list-precedence
show identity-management role
show identity-management statistics
show identity-management whitelist
show identity-management
show igmp
show igmp counters
show igmp group
show igmp snooping cache
show igmp snooping vlan filter
show igmp snooping vlan static
show igmp snooping vlan
show igmp snooping
show igmp ssm-map
show inlets
show inline-power fast ports
show inline-power info ports
show inline-power slot
show inline-power stats ports
show inline-power stats slot
show inline-power stats
show inline-power configuration ports
show inline-power
show instant-port ports
show instant-port profile
show ip nat
show ip nat rule
show ip nat rule statistics
show ip nat vlan
show ip nat vlan counters
show iparp
show iparp proxy
show iparp security
show iparp stats
show ipconfig
show ipconfig ipv6
show ip-fix
show ipmroute
show iproute
show iproute bfd
show iproute direct-inter-vr
show iproute ipv6 origin
show iproute ipv6
show iproute mpls origin
show iproute mpls
show iproute multicast
show iproute origin
show iproute protection ping
show iproute reserved-entries statistics
show iproute reserved-entries
show ip-security anomaly-protection notify cache ports
show ip-security arp gratuitous-protection
show ip-security arp learning
show ip-security arp validation
show ip-security arp validation violations
show ip-security dhcp-snooping entries
show ip-security dhcp-snooping information circuit-id port-information
show ip-security dhcp-snooping information-option
show ip-security dhcp-snooping information-option circuit-id vlan-information
show ip-security dhcp-snooping information remote-id
show ip-security dhcp-snooping
show ip-security dhcp-snooping violations
show ip-security source-ip-lockdown
show ipstats ipv6
show ipstats
show ipv6 dad
show iqagent
show iqagent discovery detail
show isis
show isis area summary-addresses
show isis area
show isis counters
show isis lsdb
show isis neighbors
show isis topology
show isis vlan
show keychain
show l2pt
show l2pt profile
show L2stats
show l2vpn
show lacp
show lacp counters
show lacp lag
show lacp member-port
show ldap domain
show ldap statistics
show licenses
show lldp
show lldp dcbx
show lldp neighbors
show lldp statistics
show log
show log components
show log configuration filter
show log configuration target
show log configuration target upm
show log configuration target xml-notification
show log configuration
show log counters
show log events
show mac-lockdown-timeout fdb ports
show mac-lockdown-timeout ports
show mac-locking stations
show mac-locking
show macsec
show macsec connectivity-association
show macsec encryption-engine monitor
show macsec ports
show macsec ports configuration
show macsec ports detail
show macsec ports usage
show macsec usage
show management
show mcast cache
show mcast ipv6 cache
show memory
show memory process
show meter
show meter out-of-profile
show mirror
show mlag peer
show mlag ports
show mld
show mld counters
show mld group
show mld snooping
show mld snooping vlan filter
show mld snooping vlan static
show mld ssm-map
show mpls
show mpls bfd
show mpls exp examination
show mpls exp replacement
show mpls interface
show mpls label
show mpls label l3vpn
show mpls label usage
show mpls ldp
show mpls ldp interface
show mpls ldp label
show mpls ldp label advertised
show mpls ldp label l2vpn retained
show mpls ldp label l2vpn
show mpls ldp label lsp retained
show mpls ldp label retained
show mpls ldp lsp
show mpls ldp peer
show mpls rsvp-te bandwidth
show mpls rsvp-te interface
show mpls rsvp-te lsp
show mpls rsvp-te lsp [egress | transit]
show mpls rsvp-te lsp ingress
show mpls rsvp-te neighbor
show mpls rsvp-te path
show mpls rsvp-te profile
show mpls rsvp-te profile fast-reroute
show mpls rsvp-te
show mpls static lsp
show mpls statistics l2vpn
show mrp ports
show msdp memory
show msdp mesh-group
show msdp peer
show msdp sa-cache
show msdp
show msrp
show msrp listeners
show msrp ports
show msrp ports bandwidth
show msrp ports counters
show msrp streams
show msrp talkers
show mvr
show mvr cache
show mvrp
show mvrp ports counters
show mvrp tag
show netlogin
show neighbor-discovery cache ipv6
show netlogin authentication failure vlan
show netlogin authentication service-unavailable vlan
show netlogin banner
show netlogin guest-vlan
show netlogin local-users
show netlogin mac-list
show netlogin session
show netlogin timeout
show netlogin trap
show network-clock gptp
show network-clock clock-source
show network-clock gptp ports
show network-clock ptp
show network-clock ptp boundary unicast-master
show network-clock ptp boundary unicast-slave
show network-clock ptp counters
show network-clock ptp (datasets)
show network-clock sync-e ports
show node
show nodealias
show nodealias ip address
show nodealias mac
show nodealias ports
show nodealias protocol
show ntp
show ntp association statistics
show ntp association
show ntp key
show ntp restrict-list
show ntp server
show ntp sys-info
show ntp vlan
show ntp vr
show odometers
show ospf
show ospf area
show ospf ase-summary
show ospf inter-vr-export
show ospf inter-vr-export detail
show ospf interfaces
show ospf interfaces detail
show ospf lsdb
show ospf memory
show ospf neighbor
show ospf virtual-link
show ospfv3
show ospfv3 area
show ospfv3 interfaces
show ospfv3 lsdb stats
show ospfv3 lsdb
show ospfv3 neighbor
show ospfv3 virtual-link
show pim anycast-rp
show pim cache
show pim
show pim snooping
show pim tunnel
show policy
show policy access-list
show policy access-list action-set
show policy allowed-type
show policy app-signature
show policy app-signature group
show policy autoclear
show policy capability
show policy captive-portal
show policy convergence-endpoint
show policy convergence-endpoint connections
show policy convergence-endpoint ports
show policy dynamic
show policy invalid
show policy maptable
show policy profile
show policy resource-profile
show policy rule
show policy rule port-hit
show policy slices
show policy state
show policy syslog
show policy vlanauthorization
show port forward-error-correction
show port information
show ports
show ports advertised
show ports anomaly
show ports buffer
show ports collisions
show ports configuration
show ports congestion
show ports eee
show ports flow-control
show ports group
show ports ip-fix
show ports link-flap-detection
show ports link-scan
show ports packet
show ports protocol filter
show ports qosmonitor
show ports qosmonitor {congestion}
show ports rate-limit flood
show ports redundant
show ports rxerrors
show ports sharing
show ports stack-ports congestion
show ports stack-ports qosmonitor
show ports stack-ports qosmonitor congestion
show ports statistics
show ports transceiver information detail
show ports transceiver information
show ports txerrors
show ports utilization
show ports vlan statistics
show ports wred
show power
show power (Stack Nodes Only)
show private-vlan
show private-vlan name
show process
show process group
show protocol
show qosprofile
show qosscheduler
show radius
show radius-accounting
show radius dynamic-authorization
show rip
show rip interface vlan
show rip interface
show rip memory
show rip routes
show ripng
show ripng interface
show ripng routes
show rmon memory
show router-discovery
show rtep l2pt
show script output autoexec
show script output default
show security
show session
show sflow configuration
show sflow hardware-utilization
show sflow statistics
show sharing
show sharing distribution port-based
show sharing health-check
show sharing port-based keys
show slot
show slpp guard
show snmp
show snmp traps bfd
show snmp traps configuration
show snmp vr_name
show snmpv3 access
show snmpv3 community
show snmpv3 context
show snmpv3 engine-info
show snmpv3 extreme-target-addr-ext
show snmpv3 filter
show snmpv3 filter-profile
show snmpv3 group
show snmpv3 mib-view
show snmpv3 notify
show snmpv3 target-addr
show snmpv3 target-params
show snmpv3 user
show snmpv3 user password-policy
show sntp-client
show ssh2
show ssh2 ciphers macs
show ssh2 private-key
show sshd2 user-key
show ssl
show ssl csr
show stack-ports debounce
show stacking
show stacking configuration
show stacking detail
show stacking stack-ports
show stacking-support
show stpd ports blocked-ports
show stpd ports counters
show stpd ports non-forwarding-reason
show stpd
show stpd ports
show switch
show switch bluetooth
show switch boot-menu
show switch management
show switch mounts
show switch usb
show system
show tacacs
show tacacs-accounting
show time
show tech-support
show tech-support collector
show temperature
show tunnel
show twamp endpoint
show twamp reflector
show upm event
show upm history
show upm history exec-id
show upm profile
show upm timers
show var
show version
show virtual-network
show virtual-network remote-endpoint vxlan
show virtual-network statistics
show virtual-router
show vlan
show vlan description
show vlan dhcp-config
show vlan dhcp-address-allocation
show vlan dynamic-vlan
show vlan eaps
show vlan l2pt
show vlan security
show vlan statistics
show vlan stpd
show vm
show vm guest interfaces
show vm virtual-interface
show vman
show vman eaps
show vman ethertype
show vm-tracking
show vm-tracking local-vm
show vm-tracking network-vm
show vm-tracking nms
show vm-tracking port
show vm-tracking repository
show vm-tracking vpp
show vpex
show vpex auto-configuration
show vpex bpe
show vpex bpe cpu-utilization
show vpex bpe environment
show vpex bpe statistics
show vpex bpe version detail
show vpex ports
show vpex ports ecp statistics
show vpex ports statistics
show vpex stacking
show vpex topology
show vpls
show vpls peer l2pt
show vrrp
show vrrp group
show vrrp vlan
show wredprofile
show xml-notification configuration
show xml-notification statistics
start orchestration mlag
start process
start vm
stop orchestration
stop vm
suspend vm
synchronize stacking
telnet slot
terminate process
terminate vpex ztp
tftp get
tftp put
traceroute mac port
traceroute mpls lsp
unconfigure access-list
unconfigure avb
unconfigure banner
unconfigure bfd vlan
unconfigure bootprelay dhcp-agent information check
unconfigure bootprelay dhcp-agent information circuit???id port-information
unconfigure bootprelay dhcp-agent information circuit???id vlan-information
unconfigure bootprelay dhcp-agent information option
unconfigure bootprelay dhcp-agent information policy
unconfigure bootprelay dhcp-agent information remote-id
unconfigure bootprelay dhcp-agent source-vlan
unconfigure bootprelay include-secondary
unconfigure cfm domain association end-point transmit-interval
unconfigure cos-index
unconfigure diffserv examination
unconfigure diffserv replacement
unconfigure eaps port
unconfigure eaps shared-port link-id
unconfigure eaps shared-port mode
unconfigure elrp-client
unconfigure elrp-client disable ports
unconfigure erps cfm
unconfigure erps neighbor-port
unconfigure erps notify-topology-change
unconfigure erps protection-port
unconfigure erps ring-ports west
unconfigure icmp
unconfigure igmp
unconfigure identity-management list-precedence
unconfigure identity-management
unconfigure igmp snooping vlan ports set join-limit
unconfigure igmp ssm-map
unconfigure inline-power classification
unconfigure inline-power detection ports
unconfigure inline-power disconnect-precedence
unconfigure inline-power operator-limit ports
unconfigure inline-power priority ports
unconfigure inline-power usage-threshold
unconfigure iparp
unconfigure ip-fix
unconfigure ip-fix flow-key
unconfigure ip-fix ip-address
unconfigure ip-fix ports
unconfigure ip-fix ports flow-key mask
unconfigure ip-fix source ip-address
unconfigure iproute priority
unconfigure iproute ipv6 priority
unconfigure ip-security dhcp-bindings storage filename
unconfigure ip-security dhcp-snooping information check
unconfigure ip-security dhcp-snooping information circuit-id port-information ports
unconfigure ip-security dhcp-snooping information circuit-id vlan-information
unconfigure ip-security dhcp-snooping information option
unconfigure ip-security dhcp-snooping information policy
unconfigure ip-security dhcp-snooping information remote-id
unconfigure isis area
unconfigure isis vlan
unconfigure l2vpn dot1q ethertype
unconfigure l2vpn vpls redundancy
unconfigure ldap domains
unconfigure lldp
unconfigure log filter
unconfigure log target format
unconfigure meter
unconfigure mlag peer interval
unconfigure mlag peer ipaddress
unconfigure mld
unconfigure mld ssm-map
unconfigure mpls exp examination
unconfigure mpls exp replacement
unconfigure mpls vlan
unconfigure mpls
unconfigure mrp ports timers
unconfigure msdp sa-cache-server
unconfigure msrp
unconfigure mstp region
unconfigure mvrp stpd
unconfigure mvrp tag
unconfigure mvrp
unconfigure neighbor-discovery cache
unconfigure netlogin
unconfigure netlogin allowed-refresh-failures
unconfigure netlogin authentication database-order
unconfigure netlogin authentication failure vlan
unconfigure netlogin authentication service-unavailable vlan
unconfigure netlogin banner
unconfigure netlogin dot1x guest-vlan
unconfigure netlogin local-user security-profile
unconfigure netlogin ports
unconfigure netlogin session-refresh
unconfigure netlogin vlan
unconfigure network-clock gptp ports
unconfigure network-clock sync-e clock-source
unconfigure network-clock sync-e
unconfigure ospf
unconfigure ospfv3
unconfigure pim
unconfigure pim border
unconfigure pim ssm range
unconfigure pim tunnel
unconfigure policy all-rules
unconfigure policy app-signature group name
unconfigure policy autoclear
unconfigure policy captive-portal
unconfigure policy captive-portal listening
unconfigure policy convergence-endpoint all
unconfigure policy convergence-endpoint index
unconfigure policy invalid action
unconfigure policy maptable
unconfigure policy profile
unconfigure policy rule
unconfigure policy syslog
unconfigure policy vlanauthorization
unconfigure port description-string
unconfigure ports display string
unconfigure ports link-flap-detection
unconfigure ports monitor vlan
unconfigure ports redundant
unconfigure process group
unconfigure qosprofile
unconfigure qosprofile wred
unconfigure qosscheduler ports
unconfigure radius
unconfigure radius-accounting
unconfigure radius-accounting server
unconfigure radius server
unconfigure rip
unconfigure ripng
unconfigure sflow
unconfigure sflow agent
unconfigure sflow collector
unconfigure sflow ports
unconfigure slot
unconfigure ssl certificate
unconfigure stacking
unconfigure stacking alternate-ip-address
unconfigure stacking license-level
unconfigure stacking-support
unconfigure stpd ports link-type
unconfigure stpd
unconfigure switch
unconfigure tacacs
unconfigure tacacs-accounting
unconfigure timezone
unconfigure trusted-ports trust-for dhcp-server
unconfigure tunnel
unconfigure upm event
unconfigure upm timer
unconfigure vlan description
unconfigure vlan dhcp
unconfigure vlan dhcp-address-range
unconfigure vlan dhcp-options
unconfigure vlan ipaddress
unconfigure vlan router-discovery
unconfigure vlan router-discovery default-lifetime
unconfigure vlan router-discovery hop-limit
unconfigure vlan router-discovery link-mtu
unconfigure vlan router-discovery managed-config-flag
unconfigure vlan router-discovery max-interval
unconfigure vlan router-discovery min-interval
unconfigure vlan router-discovery other-config-flag
unconfigure vlan router-discovery reachable-time
unconfigure vlan router-discovery retransmit-time
unconfigure vlan subvlan-address-range
unconfigure vlan udp-profile
unconfigure vman ethertype
unconfigure vm-tracking local-vm
unconfigure vm-tracking nms
unconfigure vm-tracking repository
unconfigure vm-tracking vpp vlan-tag
unconfigure vm-tracking vpp
unconfigure vpex
unconfigure vpex mlag-id peer
unconfigure vpls dot1q ethertype
unconfigure vpls snmp-vpn-identifier
unconfigure vr description
unconfigure vr rd
unconfigure vr vpn-id
unconfigure xml-notification
uninstall image
upload configuration
upload debug
upload dhcp-bindings
upload log
use configuration
use image
Understanding the Command Syntax
This section covers the following topics:
Access Levels
Syntax Symbols
Syntax Helper
Object Names
Command Shortcuts
Section contents:
Access Levels
Syntax Symbols
Syntax Helper
Object Names
Command Shortcuts