Roll Back Device Firmware

This is the recommended method for rolling back firmware when it is not committed. Run firmware restore in batches on all devices in the fabric.

  1. In batch-1, restore the firmware device that hosts EFA standby node and devices on the right side of the fabric.
    $ efa inventory device firmware-download restore –ip <batch-1 device IPs separated by comma > 
    The download is complete when the Update State column shows Completed on all devices and the Status column shows Firmware Rolled Back.
  2. Perform a high availability failover.
  3. In batch-2, restore the firmware device that hosts EFA standby node (previously Active) and devices on the left side of the fabric.
    $ efa inventory device firmware-download restore –ip <batch-2 device IPs separated by comma > 


    While fabric-wide restore is supported, traffic interruptions could still occur.
  4. Commit the firmware across all devices in fabric.
    $ efa inventory device firmware-download commit –fabric <fabric name>