EPG: Update: anycast-ip-add or delete

The feature lets you add or delete anycast-ipv4 and anycast-ipv6 to or from an existing tenant network.

You can add or delete the anycast-ipv4 and anycast-ipv6 using the EPG update anycast-ip-add/delete operations on an L3 EPG.

You can provide ipv6 nd attributes (ipv6 nd mtu, ipv6 nd prefix, ipv6 nd m/o flags) along with anycast-ipv6 during anycast-ip-add operation.

You can provide only one anycast-ipv4 and one anycast-ipv6 per tenant network even though SLX supports multiple anycast-ipv4/ipv6 per VE.

Typical usage of the API from Openstack Integration is as follows:

  1. EPG create with a ctag.
  2. EPG update port-group-add with endpoints (po/phy).
  3. EPG update vrf-add with anycast-ipv4.
  4. EPG update anycast-ip-add with anycast-ipv6.

EPG Update: anycast-ip-add or delete

efa tenant epg update --name <epg-name> --tenant <tenant-name> 
                --operation <anycast-ip-add | anycast-ip-delete> 
                --anycast-ip <ctag:anycast-ipv4> --anycast-ipv6 <ctag:anycast-ipv6>


efa tenant epg show --detail
Name          : ten1epg1
Tenant        : vlanTen1
Description   :
Type          : extension
Ports         :[0/1]
POs           :
Port Property : switchport mode     : trunk
              : native-vlan-tagging : false
NW Policy     : ctag-range          : 11
              : vrf                 : ten1vrf1
              : l3-vni              : 8188
Network Property [Flags : * - Native Vlan]
| Ctag | L2-Vni | Anycast-IPv4 | Anycast-IPv6 | BD-name | Local IP (Device-IP->Local-IP) |    Ctag-Description     | Mtu-IPv6-ND | ManagedConfig-IPv6-ND | OtherConfig-IPv6-ND |  Dev-state  |  App-state  |
| 11   | 11     | |              |         |                                | Tenant L3 Extended VLAN |             | False                 | False               | provisioned | cfg-in-sync |

efa tenant epg update --name ten1epg1 --tenant vlanTen1 --operation anycast-ip-add --anycast-ipv6 11:10::1/123

efa tenant epg show --detail
Name          : ten1epg1
Tenant        : vlanTen1
Description   :
Type          : extension
Ports         :[0/1]
POs           :
Port Property : switchport mode     : trunk
              : native-vlan-tagging : false
NW Policy     : ctag-range          : 11
              : vrf                 : ten1vrf1
              : l3-vni              : 8188
Network Property [Flags : * - Native Vlan]
| Ctag | L2-Vni | Anycast-IPv4 | Anycast-IPv6 | BD-name | Local IP (Device-IP->Local-IP) |    Ctag-Description     | Mtu-IPv6-ND | ManagedConfig-IPv6-ND | OtherConfig-IPv6-ND |  Dev-state  |  App-state  |
| 11   | 11     | | 10::1/123    |         |                                | Tenant L3 Extended VLAN |             | False                 | False               | provisioned | cfg-in-sync |

Switch Config

Rack1-Device1# show running
-config interface Ve 11
interface Ve 11
 vrf forwarding ten1vrf1
 ip anycast-address
 ipv6 anycast-address 10::1/123
 no shutdown
Rack1-Device2# show running-config interface Ve 11
interface Ve 11
 vrf forwarding ten1vrf1
 ip anycast-address
 ipv6 anycast-address 10::1/123
 no shutdown

EPG Update : anycast-ip-delete

efa tenant epg update --name ten1epg1 --tenant vlanTen1 --operation anycast-ip-delete --anycast-ipv6 11:10::1/123

efa tenant epg show
Name          : ten1epg1
Tenant        : vlanTen1
Description   :
Type          : extension
Ports         :[0/1]
POs           :
Port Property : switchport mode     : trunk
              : native-vlan-tagging : false
NW Policy     : ctag-range          : 11
              : vrf                 : ten1vrf1
              : l3-vni              : 8188
Network Property [Flags : * - Native Vlan]
| Ctag | L2-Vni | Anycast-IPv4 | Anycast-IPv6 | BD-name | Local IP (Device-IP->Local-IP) | Mtu-IPv6-ND | ManagedConfig-IPv6-ND | OtherConfig-IPv6-ND |  Dev-state  |  App-state  |
| 11   | 11     | |              |         |                                |             | False                 | False               | provisioned | cfg-in-sync |
For 'unstable' entities, run 'efa tenant po/vrf show' for details

Switch Config

Rack1-Device1# show running
-config interface Ve 11
interface Ve 11
 vrf forwarding ten1vrf1
 ip anycast-address
 no shutdown
Rack1-Device2# show running
-config interface Ve 11
interface Ve 11
 vrf forwarding ten1vrf1
 ip anycast-address
 no shutdown