Rollback of failed configuration changes ensures data consistency.
When a REST operation succeeds on one device but fails on another, configuration changes are rolled back for both devices. In the following example, the operation fails on one MCT node but succeeds on the other. The whole operation fails and an error message is returned as part of the REST response.
This process for partial failures is the default. You can change the process to enable partial successes even when one node fails. For more information, see Administered Partial Success.When a REST operation fails on all devices in the request, configuration changes are rolled back for all devices. In this example, the operation fails on both MCT nodes and an error message is returned as part of the REST response.
Rollback does not occur when a REST operation fails during a de-configuration request. The status of configuration items that were not rolled back changes to "delete-pending." You must manually verify and address the status of such items.