With the proposed changes, each entity (Tenant, PO, VRF, BGP Peer-Group, BGP Peer, EPG)
will have the below possible "show" flavours:
Displays the brief info of all the instances belonging to all
the tenants in the format "efa tenant <entity-type> show"
e.g. "efa tenant po show".
Displays the brief info of all the instances belonging to a
given tenant in the format "efa tenant <entity-type> show
--tenant <tenant-name>" e.g. "efa tenant po show --tenant
Displays the brief info of a particular instance in the format
"efa tenant <entity-type> show --name
<entity-instance-name> --tenant
efa tenant po show
--name ten1po1 --tenant ten1
Displays the detailed info of all the instances belonging to all
the tenants in the format "efa tenant <entity-type> show
--detail" e.g. "efa tenant po show --detail"
Displays the detailed info of all the instances belonging to a
given tenant in the format "efa tenant <entity-type> show
--tenant <tenant-name> --detail" e.g. "efa tenant po show
--tenant ten1 --detail"
Displays the detailed info of a particular instance in the
format "efa tenant <entity-type> show --name
<entity-instance-name> --tenant <tenant-name>
efa tenant po show
--name ten1po1 --tenant ten1 --detail