Adds one or more ports to a VMAN.
vman-name | Specifies the name of the VMAN to configure. |
vman_id | Specifies the ID of the VMAN to configure |
all | Specifies all switch ports. |
port_list | Specifies a list of ports. |
untagged | Configures the specified ports as Customer Network Ports (CNPs). |
tagged | Configures the specified ports as Provider Network Ports (PNPs), which are also called VMAN network ports. |
port-cvid | Port's customer VLAN ID used for untagged packets. |
port_cvid | Customer VLAN ID assigned to untagged packets from 1. |
If you do not specify a parameter, the default value is untagged, which creates a CNP.
This command adds ports as either CNPs or PNPs. To add a port to a VMAN as a CEP, use the following command:
configure vman add ports cepThe VMAN must already exist before you can add (or delete) ports. VMAN ports can belong to load-sharing groups.
When a port is configured serve as a CNP for one VMAN and A PNP for another VMAN, it inspects the VMAN ethertype in received packets. Packets with a matching ethertype are treated as tagged and switched across the associated PNP VMAN. Packets with a non-matching ethertype are treated as untagged and forwarded into the associated CNP VMAN.
When a port is configured only as a CNP (an untagged VMAN member), whether the VMAN ethertype is 0x8100 or otherwise, all received packets ingress the associated VMAN regardless of the packet's tagging.
If you use the same name across categories (for example, STPD and EAPS names), we recommend that you specify the identifying keyword as well as the actual name. If you do not use the keyword, the system may return an error message.The following guidelines apply to all platforms:
Port Support for Combined VMAN Roles and VLANs
Platform | Combined CNP, CEP, and Tagged VLAN , | Combined PNP, CNP, and CEP | Combined PNP and Tagged VLAN | Combined PNP and Untagged VLAN |
Summit X460-G2, X670-G2, and X770 | X | X |
X4 |
X |
If you already configured VLANs and VMANs on the same switch using ExtremeXOS 11.4, you cannot change the VMAN ethertype from 0X8100 without first removing either the VLAN or VMAN configuration.The following example assigns ports 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, and 1:6 to a VMAN named accounting:
configure vman accounting add ports 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:6 tag 100
This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 11.0.
The cvid keyword was added in ExtremeXOS 15.3.2.
The vman_id variable was added in ExtremeXOS 16.1.
The cvid keyword was removed in ExtremeXOS 21.1.
This command is available on the Summit X450-G2, X460-G2, X670-G2, X770, and ExtremeSwitching X870, X440-G2, X620 series switches.