
The following table lists the actions, their locations, and a brief description of the purpose of each action.

Table 1. Actions
Action name Host module Node Purpose
abort extreme-event-handler event-handler Under Python event-management, aborts a specified event handler that is currently running.
action extreme-event-handler common-def:clear/event-handler Specifies the Python script that will be triggered when an event occurs.
activate extreme-fc-auth secpolicy/action Activates all the defined FC authorization policies.
activate extreme-firmware firmware Activates the firmware download.
activations extreme-event-handler common-def:show Activates an event handler on an RBridge and accesses event-handler activation mode.
add extreme-license common-def:show/license Displays the license keys.
all extreme-fabric-service common-def:show/fabric Returns fabric information.
auditlog extreme-ras-ext common-def:clear/logging Clears the audit log.
auditlog extreme-ras-ext common-def:show/logging Shows audit log information.
authenticate extreme-crypto-ext crypto/ca Sets the authentication file from the host authentication server.
authenticate extreme-crypto-ext common-def:no Sets the authentication file from the host authentication server.
bare-metal extreme-preprovision common-def:show/bare-metal/bare-metal Indicates the bare-metal state on the system.
brief extreme-nameserver common-def:show/: Gets a list of devices, listed by FCID, that are stored in the Name Server database.
burninerrclear extreme-diagnostics diag Clears the errors that are stored in the nonvolatile storage on the slot during the burn-in process.
burninerrshow extreme-diagnostics common-def:show Checks the error log.
burninstatus extreme-diagnostics common-def:show Displays the status of last run system verification test.
certificates extreme-crypto-ext common-def:show /crypto/ca Displays certificate details.
chassis extreme-beacon beacon/disable Disables the chassis beacon.
chassis extreme-beacon beacon/enable Enables the chassis beacon.
chassis extreme-ras-ext common-def:show/infra Returns system information.
chassisreboot extreme-ha ha Reboots the chassis.
clearerror extreme-diagnostics diag Clears the diagnostics failure status.
clock extreme-clock clock-set-datetime Sets the date and time.
clock extreme-clock clock-set-timezone Sets the local time zone.
commit extreme-firmware firmware/download Commits a firmware upgrade after evaluation.
connector-group extreme-hardware common-def:show Sets a connector group that FlexPort is allowed to access on the switch.
console extreme-ras ras/logging/raslog Sets the severity levels for the RASLog console and allows users to temporarily stop showing RASLog messages on the console.
cpu extreme-ras-ext common-def:show/infra/process Lists processes by CPU usage.
cpu extreme-ras resource monitor Lists processes by CPU usage.
dadstatus extreme-firmware common-def:show/dhcp-auto-deployment Displays the current status of firmware download.
description extreme-ras-ext rasman Displays the details of the defined log modules.
detail extreme-nameserver common-def:show/: Returns details about the configured name server.
dhchap extreme-fc-auth auth-secret Configures authorization secret for DH-CHAP.
dhchap extreme-fc-auth common-def:no/fcsp/auth-secret Deletes the authorization secret for DH-CHAP.
dhchap extreme-fc-auth common-def:show/fscp/authsecret Returns the device WWN for which a shared secret is configured.
dir extreme-ras system/usb Displays the directory of a USB device.
directory extreme-firmware firmware:firmware/download/tftp/input Specifies the directory from where the firmware is downloaded.
disable extreme-chassis chassis Disables the chassis.
disable extreme-chassis chassis/beacon Disables the chassis beacon.
disable extreme-firmware firmware/auto-sync Disables the firmware download.
disable extreme-ha ha Disables high availability.
dpod extreme-license common-def:show/enh-show-license-keys Displays dynamic POD license information.
dump extreme-ha ha Displays high availability status information.
dvpgs extreme-vswitch common-def:show/vnetwork Shows discovered distributed virtual port-groups.
dvs extreme-vswitch common-def:show/vnetwork Shows discovered distributed virtual switches.
enable extreme-chassis chassis Enables the chassis.
enable extreme-chassis chassis/beacon Enables the chassis beacon.
enable extreme-firmware firmware/auto-sync Enables the firmware download.
enable extreme-firmware dhcp/auto-deployment Enables auto-deployment of the firmware.
enable extreme-ha ha Enables high availability.
enroll extreme-crypto-ext crypto/ca Enrolls the trust point and generates the security certificate for HTTPS security.
erase extreme-firmware firmware/write Returns switch to factory default state.
exec extreme-diagnostics fos Runs native Fabric OS commands.
failover extreme-ha ha Causes HA failover.
fan extreme-ras-ext common-def:show/infra/environment Shows fan information.
fastboot extreme-firmware reboot Reboots the control processor (CP), bypassing the power-on self-test (POST).
firmware extreme-firmware-ext common-def:show/firmware Shows firmware auto-sync status.
firmwaredownloadhistory extreme-firmware-ext common-def:show/firmware Returns a history of firmware downloads.
firmwaredownloadstatus extreme-firmware-ext common-def:show/firmware Returns the firmware download status.
firmware-features extreme-firmware-ext common-def:show/firmware Shows firmware features.
ftp extreme-firmware firmware/download Downloads firmware with FTP.
ftp extreme-firmware firmware/download/default-config Downloads firmware with FTP.
ftp extreme-firmware firmware/download/logical-chassis Downloads firmware with FTP for logical chassis.
ftp extreme-firmware firmware/download/logical-chassis/default-config Downloads firmware with FTP for logical chassis.
ftp extreme-firmware firmware/install Installs firmware with FTP.
ftp extreme-ras copy/support Uploads support data to an FTP server.
gmsg extreme-ras auditlog Generates an audit log message for an internal audit log test.
gmsg extreme-ras logtest/raslog Generates a message for an internal RASlog test.
ha extreme-ha common-def:show/ha Displays the HA state.
hardware-profile extreme-hardware common-def:show Optimizes hardware resources.
history extreme-ras-ext common-def:show/infra Shows history information.
hosts extreme-vswitch common-def:show/vnetwork Displays discovered hosts.
id extreme-license common-def:show/license Returns license IDs.
import extreme-crypto-ext crypto/ca Imports the CA certificate for HTTPS security configuration.
import extreme-crypto-ext common-def:no Imports the CA certificate for HTTPS security configuration.
info extreme-ras-ext common-def:show/infra/process Shows system processes.
interactive extreme-firmware firmware/download Downloads firmware interactively.
interface extreme-beacon beacon/disable Disables the interface beacon.
interface extreme-beacon beacon/enable Enables the interface beacon.
interface extreme-threshold-monitor-ext extreme-common-def:show/defaults/extreme-threshold-monitor-ext:threshold Shows default threshold and alert values for interface.
inventory extreme-ras-ext infra-inventory Displays the inventory details.
isl extreme-fabric-service common-def:show/fabric-service:fabric Returns fabric ISL information.
islports extreme-fabric-service common-def:show/fabric-service:fabric Returns fabric ISL port information.
l2traceroute extreme-trilloam trilloam Traces a route between a source and destination MAC address.
ldapca extreme-certutil certutil/import Imports the LDAP CA certificate.
ldapca extreme-certutil common-def:no/certutil Deletes the LDAP CA certificate.
ldapcacert extreme-certutil common-def:show/cert-util Displays the LDAP CA certificate.
license extreme-license common-def:show/enh-show-license-keys Displays license information.
linecard extreme-linecard-management common-def:show/linecardinfo Configures a line card.
linecard common-def:show common-def:show/linecardinfo Configures a line card.
linkinfo extreme-fabric-service common-def:show/fabric-service:fabric Returns fabric ISL link information.
maps extreme-maps-ext common-def:show
macaddr extreme-vswitch common-def:show/vnetwork/vmpolicy Returns information about MAC address policies.
memory extreme-ras-ext common-def:show/infra/process Lists processes by memory usage.
memory extreme-ras resource-monitor Lists processes by memory usage.
message extreme-ras-ext rasman Displays the details of the given RASlog message ID.
mm extreme-linecard-management common-def:show/mminfor Management module.
module extreme-ras-ext rasman Displays the details of the given RAS module name.
monitor extreme-system-monitor-ext common-def:show/system-monitor-extensions:system Returns monitor switch status.
monitor extreme-threshold-monitor-ext common-def:show/threshold-monitor-extensions:system Returns monitor switch error statistics on an interface.
multicast extreme-fabric-service fabric/route Displays multicast routing information, including the multicast tree, its root, priority, and so on.
mypubkey extreme-crypto-ext common-def:show/crypto/key Displays the crypto key.
neighbor-state extreme-fabric-state fabric/route Displays the FSPF link state information of a node. A full state indicates FSPF link state database exchange is complete and that the link can be used while making routing decisions.
nodefind extreme-nameserver common-def:show/: Displays nodes matching a specified WWN or PID.
off extreme-ras system/usb Disables the USB device.
on extreme-ras system/usb Enables the USB device.
operation-info extreme-zone common-def:show/zoning Returns zone database size information and the time stamp of the last change.
pathinfo extreme-fabric-service fabric/route Displays routing information and states along a path covering multiple switches.
pgs extreme-vswitch common-def:show/vnetwork Returns information about discovered standard port-groups.
portledtest extreme-diagnostics diag Runs various action modes on the port LEDs and validates the functionality.
portloopbacktest extreme-diagnostics diag Sends frames between various ASICs on the switch and validates the ASIC functionality.
port-group extreme-hardware common-def:show/hardware Displays the port-group information for the device.
port-side-exhaust extreme-chassis fan/airflow-direction Sets the airflow direction to exhaust-side intake.
port-side-intake extreme-chassis fan/airflow-direction Sets the airflow direction to port-side intake.
power extreme-ras-ext common-def:show/infra/environment Shows power information.
power-off extreme-linecard-management common-def:show/linecardservice Deactivates a line card.
power-on extreme-linecard-management linecardservice Powers on a line card.
prbstest extreme-diagnostics diag Performs pseudo-random binary-sequence tests.
raslog extreme-ras-ext common-def:clear/logging Clears the RASlog.
raslog extreme-ras-ext common-def:show/logging Shows RASlog information.
recover extreme-firmware firmware Aborts the firmware operation that is ready to be activated and then commits the firmware.
redundancy extreme-ha common-def:show/redundancy Shows high availability redundancy state.
reload extreme-ha common-def:show/system/reload Reloads the system.
remove extreme-license license Removes the license keys.
remove extreme-ras system/usb Deletes a file from a USB device.
restore extreme-firmware firmware/download Restores the original firmware after evaluation.
results extreme-diagnostics common-def:show/diag/post Displays the post verification test result.
sanity-check extreme-firmware firmware/download Conducts a sanity check on the firmware download.
scp extreme-firmware firmware/download Downloads firmware with SCP.
scp extreme-firmware firmware/download/default-config Downloads firmware with SCP.
scp extreme-firmware firmware/download/logical-chassis Downloads firmware with SCP for logical chassis.
scp extreme-firmware firmware/download/logical-chassis/default-config Downloads firmware with SCP for logical chassis.
scp extreme-firmware firmware/install Installs firmware with SCP.
scp extreme-ras copy/support Uploads support data to an SCP server.
security extreme-threshold-monitor-ext common-def:show/defaults Displays default threshold and alert values for security.
sensor extreme-ras-ext common-def:show/infra/environment Returns sensor information.
sessions extreme-aaa common-def:clear/login Unlocks a user account.
setcycle extreme-diagnostics diag Configures all the parameters required for the system verification test.
setdbg extreme-diagnostics diag Changes the debug level.
sfm extreme-linecard-management common-def:show/sfminfo Switch fabric module.
sfp extreme-threshold-monitor-ext common-def:show/defaults/threshold-monitor-extensions:threshold Displays default threshold and alert values for SFP.
sftp extreme-firmware firmware/download Downloads firmware with SFTP.
sftp extreme-firmware firmware/download/default-config Downloads firmware with SFTP.
sftp extreme-firmware firmware/download/logical-chassis Downloads firmware with SFTP for logical-chassis.
sftp extreme-firmware firmware/download/logical-chassis/default-config Downloads firmware with SFTP for logical-chassis.
slots extreme-linecard-management common-def:show/slotsinfor Modules present in the chassis.
sshkey extreme-certutil certutil/import SSH public key import operation.
sshkey extreme-certutil common-def:no/cert-util Displays username length error message.
sshkey extreme-certutil common-def:show/certutil:cert-util Displays user name length error message.
start extreme-ha ha/sync Syncs up the system.
status extreme-diagnostics common-def:show Displays currenly running diagnostic tests.
status extreme-http-config common-def:show /http/server Displays HTTP server status.
status extreme-ras-ext common-def:show/copy-support Shows copy support details.
status extreme-sec-services common-def:show/ssh/server Displays the SSH server status.
status extreme-sec-services common-def:show/ssh/client Displays the SSH client status.
status extreme-sec-services common-def:show/telnet/server Displays the Telnet server status.
stop extreme-ha ha/sync Syncs up the system.
support extreme-ras-ext common-def:clear/support Clears support information.
support extreme-ras-ext common-def:show/support Shows support information available for upload.
support-interactive extreme-ras copy Enables interactive support data upload.
sync extreme-firmware firmware/download Synchronizes the firmware with its peer.
syslogca extreme-certutil certutil/import Imports the syslog server CA certificate.
syslogca extreme-certutil common-def:no/certutil Deletes the syslog server CA certificate.
syslogcacert extreme-certutil common-def:show/cert-util Displays the syslog server CA certificate.
systemverification extreme-diagnostics diag Runs a combination of various hardware diagnostic tests.
temp extreme-ras-ext common-def:show/infra/environment Shows temperature information.
timezone extreme-clock common-def:no/clock Returns the time zone information.
tftp extreme-firmware firmware:firmware/download Downloads firmware with TFTP.
tftp extreme-firmware firmware/download/default-config Downloads firmware with TFTP.
tftp extreme-firmware firmware/download/logical-chassis Downloads firmware with TFTP for logical chassis.
tftp extreme-firmware firmware/download/logical-chassis/default-config Downloads firmware with TFTP for logical chassis.
topology extreme-fabric-service fabric/route Provides fabric topology information as seen by a VCS fabric node, including the number of currently active paths to the destination, maximum number of hops to reach destination, cost of reaching destination, and so on.
trunk extreme-fabric-service common-def:show/fabric-service:fabric Returns fabric ISL trunk information.
trustpoint extreme-crypto-ext common-def:show/crypto/ca Defines the trust point for HTTPS security configuration.
turboramtest extreme-diagnostics diag Performs a turbo static RAM (SRAM) test of the ASIC chips.
type extreme-ras-ext rasman Displays the details of the RASlog messages based on the given RASlog message type.
unlock extreme-aaa user Unlocks a user account.
usb extreme-firmware firmware/download Downloads firmware from a USB device.
usb extreme-firmware firmware/download/default-config Downloads firmware from a USB device.
usb extreme-firmware firmware/download/logical-chassis Downloads firmware from a USB device for logical chassis.
usb extreme-ras copy Uploads support data to a USB device.
users extreme-aaa-ext common-def:show/aaa-users Accesses the user information.
version extreme-firmware-ext common-def:show/firmware Returns the firmware version string.
vms extreme-vswitch common-def:show/vnetwork Returns information about discovered VMs.
vss extreme-vswitch common-def:show/vnetwork Returns information about standard virtual switches.
zonemember extreme-nameserver common-def:show/: Displays all nodes zoned with a device matching a specified WWN or PID.