Using the SLX-OS YANG Reference Guide

The Extreme SLX-OS YANG Reference Guide is a reference for YANG modules supported by SLX-OS 20.1.1.

Each module provides a data model for a specific part of the system. It models the data using one or more of the following entities:

The client will receive notification as documented in Notifications section for certain events. (You must register in order to receive notifications from the server.)

For each module, this manual provides a high-level description of what the module does. It also provides the structure of each top-level node, external augmentation, custom RPC, and action.

The pyang command with the -f tree option is used to illustrate the YANG code. This utility resolves the uses and augments statements to provide an easy-to-read view of the structure of the YANG code. The following example shows part of the module.

   +--rw interface
   |  +--rw fc-port [name]
   |     +--rw name               interface-type
   |     +--rw fc-speed-cfg?      fc-speed-cfg-type
   |     +--rw fill-word?         fc-fillword-cfg-type
   |     +--rw vc-link-init?      fc-vc-link-init-cfg-type
   |     +--rw isl-r_rdy-mode?    empty
   |     +--rw trunk-enable?      empty
   |     +--rw shutdown?          empty

In addition to showing the structure, the output of the pyang -f tree command provides information about each node, as shown in the table below. Field definitions and possible values are shown in the following table.

Table 1. Field descriptions
Field Value
status Status of the node can be one of the following values:

+ Current

x Deprecated

o Obsolete

status Type of information can be one of the following values:

rw Read-write (The node contains configuration data)

-ro Read-only (The node contains operational data)

-x RPC statement

-n Notification (not supported)

flags The name of the node can be further modified by one of the following values:

(name) Choice node

:(name) Case node

prefix:name Augmented from external module

name The following optional values can be used:

? Optional leaf or presence container

* Leaf list [keys] Keys for a list
type The type of the leaf or leaf-list. If the specified type is other than one of the basic types, then the type is defined in a typedef statement in the .yang file.