
Provides a data model enabling and disabling the interface beacon and chassis beacon.

Top-level container

module: extreme-beacon
   +--rw beacon
      +--rw enable
      |  +--rw interface
      |  |  +---x ethernet        
      |  |  |  +---w input     
      |  |  |     +---w eth_option
      |  |  |        +---w ethernet    string
      |  |  |        +---w start?      ietfyang:date-and-time
      |  |  |        +---w length?     uint32
      |  |  +---x port-channel    
      |  |     +---w input     
      |  |        +---w lag_option
      |  |           +---w port-channel    uint32
      |  |           +---w start?          ietfyang:date-and-time
      |  |           +---w length?         uint32
      |  +---x chassis      
      |     +---w input     
      |        +---w start?    ietfyang:date-and-time
      |        +---w length?   uint32
      +--rw disable
         +--rw interface
         |  +---x ethernet        
         |  |  +---w input     
         |  |     +---w ethernet    string
         |  +---x port-channel    
         |     +---w input     
         |        +---w port-channel    uint32
         +---x chassis