
Provides a data model to configure Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers and monitor the active server.

Top-level container

module: extreme-ntp
   +--rw ntp
      +--rw server* [ip]
      |  +--rw ip         inet:ip-address
      |  +--rw use-vrf?   common-def:vrf-name
      |  +--rw key?       uint32
      |  +--rw version?   uint32
      |  +--rw minpoll?   uint32
      |  +--rw maxpoll?   uint32
      +--rw authentication-key* [keyid]
      |  +--rw keyid    uint32
      |  +--rw md5?     string
      +--rw peer* [peer-ip]
      |  +--rw peer-ip         inet:ip-address
      |  +--rw peer-use-vrf?   common-def:vrf-name
      |  +--rw peer-key?       uint32
      |  +--rw peer-version?   uint32
      |  +--rw peer-minpoll?   uint32
      |  +--rw peer-maxpoll?   uint32
      +--rw source-ip?            srcip_type
      +--rw disable
      |  +--rw all?     empty
      |  +--rw serve?   empty
      +--rw authenticate?         empty
      +--rw trusted-key*          trust-key
      +--rw master?               uint32


Return address of the active NTP server:

   +---x show-ntp    
      +--ro output    
         +--ro node-active-server*
            +--ro (ip4-6-or-local)?
               |  +--ro active-server?   inet:ip-address
                  +--ro LOCL?            boolean