Provides a data model extension to the extreme-interface module for defining RPCs to retrieve interface-related operational data in the managed device.
module: extreme-interface-ext rpcs: +---x get-vlan-brief | +---w input | | +---w (request-type)? | | +--:(get-request) | | | +---w vlan-id? interface:vlan-type | | +--:(get-next-request) | | +---w last-rcvd-vlan-id? interface:vlan-type | +--ro output | +--ro configured-vlans-count? uint32 | +--ro provisioned-vlans-count? uint32 | +--ro unprovisioned-vlans-count? uint32 | +--ro vlan* [vlan-id] | | +--ro vlan-id interface:vlan-type | | +--ro vlan-type? enumeration | | +--ro vlan-name? string | | +--ro vlan-state? enumeration | | +--ro interface* [interface-type interface-name] | | +--ro interface-type enumeration | | +--ro interface-name union | | +--ro tag? enumeration | | +--ro classification* [classification-type classification-value] | | +--ro classification-type enumeration | | +--ro classification-value string | +--ro last-vlan-id? interface:vlan-type | +--ro has-more? boolean +---x get-interface-switchport | +--ro output | +--ro switchport* [interface-type interface-name] | +--ro interface-type enumeration | +--ro interface-name union | +--ro mode? interface:switchport-mode-type | +--ro fcoe-port-enabled? boolean | +--ro ingress-filter-enabled? boolean | +--ro acceptable-frame-type? enumeration | +--ro default-vlan? interface:vlan-type | +--ro active-vlans | | +--ro vlanid* interface:vlan-type | +--ro inactive-vlans | +--ro vlanid* interface:vlan-type +---x get-ip-interface | +---w input | | +---w (request-type)? | | +--:(get-request) | | +---w interface-type? enumeration | | +---w interface-name? union | +--ro output | +--ro interface* [interface-type interface-name] | | +--ro interface-type enumeration | | +--ro interface-name union | | +--ro if-name? string | | +--ro ip-address* [ipv4] | | | +--ro ipv4 string | | | +--ro ipv4-type? enumeration | | | +--ro broadcast? string | | | +--ro ip-mtu? interface:mtu-type | | +--ro if-state? enumeration | | +--ro line-protocol-state? enumeration | | +--ro proxy-arp? string | | +--ro vrf? string | +--ro has-more? boolean +---x get-interface-detail | +---w input | | +---w (request-type)? | | +--:(get-request) | | | +---w interface-type? enumeration | | | +---w interface-name? union | | +--:(get-next-request) | | +---w last-rcvd-interface | | +---w interface-type? enumeration | | +---w interface-name? union | +--ro output | +--ro interface* [interface-type interface-name] | | +--ro interface-type enumeration | | +--ro interface-name union | | +--ro ifindex? uint64 | | +--ro mtu? interface:mtu-type | | +--ro ip-mtu? interface:mtu-type | | +--ro if-name? string | | +--ro if-state? enumeration | | +--ro line-protocol-state? enumeration | | +--ro line-protocol-state-info? string | | +--ro line-protocol-exception-info? string | | +--ro hardware-type? enumeration | | +--ro logical-hardware-address? yang:mac-address | | +--ro current-hardware-address? yang:mac-address | | +--ro media-type? enumeration | | +--ro wavelength? uint32 | | +--ro if-description? string | | +--ro actual-line-speed? string | | +--ro configured-line-speed? line-speed | | +--ro line-duplex-state? enumeration | | +--ro queuing-strategy? enumeration | | +--ro port-role? enumeration | | +--ro port-mode? enumeration | | +--ro ifHCInOctets? yang:counter64 | | +--ro ifHCInUcastPkts? yang:counter64 | | +--ro ifHCInMulticastPkts? yang:counter64 | | +--ro ifHCInBroadcastPkts? yang:counter64 | | +--ro ifHCInErrors? yang:counter64 | | +--ro ifHCOutOctets? yang:counter64 | | +--ro ifHCOutUcastPkts? yang:counter64 | | +--ro ifHCOutMulticastPkts? yang:counter64 | | +--ro ifHCOutBroadcastPkts? yang:counter64 | | +--ro ifHCOutErrors? yang:counter64 | +--ro has-more? boolean +---x get-media-detail +---w input | +---w interface-type? enumeration | +---w interface-name? union +--ro output +--ro interface* [interface-type interface-name] +--ro interface-type enumeration +--ro interface-name union +--ro (interface-identifier)? +--:(sfp) | +--ro sfp | +--ro speed? line-speed | +--ro connector? enumeration | +--ro encoding? enumeration | +--ro vendor-name? string | +--ro vendor-oui? string | +--ro vendor-pn? string | +--ro vendor-rev? string | +--ro distance? enumeration | +--ro media-form-factor? enumeration | +--ro wavelength? string | +--ro serial-no? string | +--ro date-code? string | +--ro temperature? uint32 | +--ro voltage? decimal64 | +--ro current? decimal64 | +--ro tx-power? decimal64 | +--ro rx-power? decimal64 +--:(on-board) | +--ro on-board | +--ro speed? line-speed | +--ro connector? enumeration | +--ro encoding? enumeration | +--ro vendor-name? string | +--ro vendor-oui? string | +--ro vendor-pn? string | +--ro vendor-rev? string +--:(gbic) | +--ro gbc | +--ro vendor-name? string | +--ro vendor-oui? string | +--ro vendor-pn? string | +--ro vendor-rev? string +--:(xfp) | +--ro xfp | +--ro vendor-name? string | +--ro vendor-oui? string | +--ro vendor-pn? string | +--ro vendor-rev? string +--:(xff) | +--ro xff | +--ro vendor-name? string | +--ro vendor-oui? string | +--ro vendor-pn? string | +--ro vendor-rev? string +--:(xfpe) | +--ro xfpe | +--ro vendor-name? string | +--ro vendor-oui? string | +--ro vendor-pn? string | +--ro vendor-rev? string +--:(unknown) | +--ro unknown | +--ro vendor-name? string | +--ro vendor-oui? string | +--ro vendor-pn? string | +--ro vendor-rev? string +--:(qsfp) | +--ro qsfp | +--ro speed? line-speed | +--ro connector? enumeration | +--ro encoding? enumeration | +--ro vendor-name? string | +--ro vendor-oui? string | +--ro vendor-pn? string | +--ro vendor-rev? string | +--ro distance? enumeration | +--ro media-form-factor? enumeration | +--ro wavelength? string | +--ro serial-no? string | +--ro date-code? string | +--ro temperature? uint32 | +--ro voltage? decimal64 | +--ro current? decimal64 | +--ro tx-power? decimal64 | +--ro rx-power? decimal64 +--:(qsfpp) | +--ro qsfpp | +--ro speed? line-speed | +--ro connector? enumeration | +--ro encoding? enumeration | +--ro vendor-name? string | +--ro vendor-oui? string | +--ro vendor-pn? string | +--ro vendor-rev? string | +--ro distance? enumeration | +--ro media-form-factor? enumeration | +--ro wavelength? string | +--ro serial-no? string | +--ro date-code? string | +--ro temperature? uint32 | +--ro voltage? decimal64 | +--ro current? decimal64 | +--ro tx-power? decimal64 | +--ro rx-power? decimal64 +--:(cfp) | +--ro cfp | +--ro speed? line-speed | +--ro connector? enumeration | +--ro encoding? enumeration | +--ro vendor-name? string | +--ro vendor-oui? string | +--ro vendor-pn? string | +--ro vendor-rev? string | +--ro distance? enumeration | +--ro media-form-factor? enumeration | +--ro wavelength? string | +--ro serial-no? string | +--ro date-code? string | +--ro temperature? uint32 | +--ro voltage? decimal64 | +--ro current? decimal64 | +--ro tx-power? decimal64 | +--ro rx-power? decimal64 +--:(qsfp28) | +--ro qsfp28 | +--ro speed? line-speed | +--ro connector? enumeration | +--ro encoding? enumeration | +--ro vendor-name? string | +--ro vendor-oui? string | +--ro vendor-pn? string | +--ro vendor-rev? string | +--ro distance? enumeration | +--ro media-form-factor? enumeration | +--ro wavelength? string | +--ro serial-no? string | +--ro date-code? string | +--ro temperature? uint32 | +--ro voltage? decimal64 | +--ro current? decimal64 | +--ro tx-power? decimal64 | +--ro rx-power? decimal64 +--:(cfp2) +--ro cfp2 +--ro speed? line-speed +--ro connector? enumeration +--ro encoding? enumeration +--ro vendor-name? string +--ro vendor-oui? string +--ro vendor-pn? string +--ro vendor-rev? string +--ro distance? enumeration +--ro media-form-factor? enumeration +--ro wavelength? string +--ro serial-no? string +--ro date-code? string +--ro temperature? uint32 +--ro voltage? decimal64 +--ro current? decimal64 +--ro tx-power? decimal64 +--ro rx-power? decimal64