
Provides a data model for managing the extreme VCS fabric.

VCS fabric refers to the ability of a group of physical Ethernet switches, interconnected in an arbitrary way using the regular front-end data ports, to appear as one unified and transparent Ethernet switching service to the external network. The network that connects these individual switches is referred to as the fabric. The group of physical Ethernet switches in the fabric is referred to as the cluster.

The cluster behaves like a logical switch to the external network.

Top-level container

module: extreme-vcs
   +--ro vcsmode
   |  +--ro vcs-mode            boolean
   |  +--ro vcs-cluster-mode    boolean
   +--ro local-node
   |  +--ro swbd-number    uint32
   +--rw vcs
      +--rw virtual
      |  +--rw ip
      |  |  +--rw address* [address]
      |  |     +--rw address    common-def:ipv4-address-prefix-type
      |  |     +--rw inband
      |  |        +--rw interface
      |  |           +--rw ve?   ve-type
      |  +--rw ipv6
      |     +--rw address* [ipv6address]
      |        +--rw ipv6address    common-def:ipv6-address-prefix
      +--rw virtual-fabric
         +--rw vfab-enable?   empty


+---x get-last-config-update-time               
   |  +--ro output    
   |     +--ro last-config-update-time?   uint64
   +---x show-vcs                                  
   |  +--ro output    
   |     +--ro principal-switch-wwn?              string
   |     +--ro co-ordinator-wwn?                  string
   |     +--ro vcs-cluster-type-info?             vcs-cluster-type
   |     +--ro vcs-guid?                          string
   |     +--ro virtual-ip-address?                string
   |     +--ro virtual-ipv6-address?              string
   |     +--ro total-nodes-in-cluster?            uint16
   |     +--ro nodes-disconnected-from-cluster?   uint16
   |     +--ro cluster-generic-status?            string
   |     +--ro cluster-specific-status?           string
   |     +--ro vcs-nodes
   |        +--ro vcs-node-info*
   |           +--ro node-num?                     uint16
   |           +--ro node-serial-num?              string
   |           +--ro node-condition?               string
   |           +--ro node-status?                  string
   |           +--ro node-hw-sync-state?           node-hw-sync-state-type
   |           +--ro node-vcs-mode?                string
   |           +--ro node-vcs-id?                  uint16
   |           +--ro node-rbridge-id?              uint16
   |           +--ro node-is-principal?            boolean
   |           +--ro co-ordinator?                 boolean
   |           +--ro node-switch-mac?              yang:mac-address
   |           +--ro node-switch-wwn?              string
   |           +--ro switch-fcf-mac?               yang:mac-address
   |           +--ro node-internal-ip-address?     inet:ipv4-address
   |           +--ro node-public-ip-addresses*
   |           |  +--ro node-public-ip-address?   inet:ipv4-address
   |           +--ro node-public-ipv6-addresses*
   |           |  +--ro node-public-ipv6-address?   inet:ipv6-address
   |           +--ro firmware-version?             string
   |           +--ro node-swbd-number?             int32
   |           +--ro node-switchname?              string
   |           +--ro node-switchtype?              string
   |           +--ro node-switch-subtype?          uint16
   |           +--ro node-switch-description?      string
   |           +--ro manufacturer-name?            string
   |           +--ro node-state?                   node-state-type
   |           +--ro node-fabric-state?            string
   +---x get-vcs-details                           
   |  +--ro output    
   |     +--ro vcs-details
   |        +--ro principal-switch-wwn?   string
   |        +--ro co-ordinator-wwn?       string
   |        +--ro local-switch-wwn?       string
   |        +--ro node-vcs-mode?          boolean
   |        +--ro node-vcs-type?          vcs-cluster-type
   |        +--ro node-vcs-id?            uint32
   +---x vcs-rbridge-config                        
   |  +---w input     
   |     +---w vcs-id?       uint16
   |     +---w rbridge-id?   uint16
   +---x vcs-rbridge-context                       
   |  +---w input     
   |     +---w rbridge-id?   uint16
   +---x no-vcs-rbridge-context                    
   +---x get-last-config-update-time-for-xpaths    
      +---w input     
      |  +---w xpath-strings* [xpath-string]
      |     +---w xpath-string    string
      +--ro output    
         +--ro last-config-update-time-for-xpaths* [xpath-string]
            +--ro xpath-string               string
            +--ro last-config-update-time?   uint64