
Provides a data model for configuring the MAC address table and returning information about the MAC address table through the get-mac-address-table custom RPC.

Top-level container

module: extreme-mac-address-table
   +--rw mac-address-table
      +--rw static
      |  +--rw static-mac* [mac-address forward interface-type interface-name vlan vlanid]
      |  |  +--rw mac-address       mac-access-list:mac-address-type
      |  |  +--rw forward           enumeration
      |  |  +--rw interface-type    enumeration
      |  |  +--rw interface-name    string
      |  |  +--rw vlan              enumeration
      |  |  +--rw vlanid            interface:vlan-type
      |  +--rw static-ac-lif* [mac-address-lif forward-lif logical-interface interface-type-lif logical-interface-name]
      |     +--rw mac-address-lif           mac-access-list:mac-address-type
      |     +--rw forward-lif               enumeration
      |     +--rw logical-interface         enumeration
      |     +--rw interface-type-lif        enumeration
      |     +--rw logical-interface-name    logical-ifname
      +--rw aging-time
      |  +--rw legacy-time-out?   uint32
      +--rw mac-move
      |  +--rw mac-move-detect-enable?   empty
      |  +--rw mac-move-limit?           uint32
      +--rw consistency-check
         +--rw mac-consistency-check-suppress?   empty
         +--rw mac-consistency-check-interval?   uint32


   +---x get-mac-address-table    
      +---w input     
      |  +---w (request-type)?
      |     +--:(get-request)
      |     |  +---w mac-address?                 yang:mac-address
      |     +--:(get-interface-based-request)
      |     |  +---w forwarding-interface
      |     |  |  +---w interface-type?   enumeration
      |     |  |  +---w interface-name?   union
      |     |  +---w mac-type?                    enumeration
      |     +--:(get-next-request)
      |        +---w last-mac-address-details
      |        |  +---w last-mac-address?   yang:mac-address
      |        |  +---w last-vlan-id?       interface:vlan-type
      |        |  +---w last-mac-type?      enumeration
      |        +---w forwarding-interface-type?   enumeration
      |        +---w forwarding-interface-name?   union
      |        +---w mac-address-type?            enumeration
      +--ro output    
         +--ro mac-address-table* [vlanid mac-address]
         |  +--ro vlanid                  interface:vlan-type
         |  +--ro mac-address             yang:mac-address
         |  +--ro mac-type?               enumeration
         |  +--ro mac-state?              enumeration
         |  +--ro forwarding-interface*
         |     +--ro interface-type?   enumeration
         |     +--ro interface-name?   union
         +--ro has-more?            boolean