
Provides a data model for the configuration of IP access control lists (ACLs).

Top-level container

module: extreme-ip-access-list
   +--rw ip-acl
   |  +--rw ip
   |     +--rw access-list
   |        +--rw standard* [name]
   |        |  +--rw name               l3-acl-policy-name
   |        |  +--rw hide-ip-acl-std
   |        |     +--rw seq* [seq-id]
   |        |        +--rw seq-id              seq-id-std-ext
   |        |        +--rw action              enumeration
   |        |        +--rw src-host-any-sip    union
   |        |        +--rw src-host-ip         sip
   |        |        +--rw src-mask            sip-mask
   |        |        +--rw count?              empty
   |        |        +--rw log?                empty
   |        |        +--rw copy-sflow?         empty
   |        +--rw extended* [name]
   |           +--rw name               l3-acl-policy-name
   |           +--rw hide-ip-acl-ext
   |              +--rw seq* [seq-id]
   |                 +--rw seq-id                           seq-id-std-ext
   |                 +--rw action                           enumeration
   |                 +--rw protocol-type                    union
   |                 +--rw src-host-any-sip                 union
   |                 +--rw src-host-ip                      sip
   |                 +--rw src-mask                         sip-mask
   |                 +--rw sport?                           enumeration
   |                 +--rw sport-number-eq-neq-tcp          union
   |                 +--rw sport-number-lt-tcp              union
   |                 +--rw sport-number-gt-tcp              union
   |                 +--rw sport-number-eq-neq-udp          union
   |                 +--rw sport-number-lt-udp              union
   |                 +--rw sport-number-gt-udp              union
   |                 +--rw sport-number-range-lower-tcp     union
   |                 +--rw sport-number-range-lower-udp     union
   |                 +--rw sport-number-range-higher-tcp    union
   |                 +--rw sport-number-range-higher-udp    union
   |                 +--rw dst-host-any-dip                 union
   |                 +--rw dst-host-ip                      dip
   |                 +--rw dst-mask                         dip-mask
   |                 +--rw dport?                           enumeration
   |                 +--rw dport-number-eq-neq-tcp          union
   |                 +--rw dport-number-lt-tcp              union
   |                 +--rw dport-number-gt-tcp              union
   |                 +--rw dport-number-eq-neq-udp          union
   |                 +--rw dport-number-lt-udp              union
   |                 +--rw dport-number-gt-udp              union
   |                 +--rw dport-number-range-lower-tcp     union
   |                 +--rw dport-number-range-lower-udp     union
   |                 +--rw dport-number-range-higher-tcp    union
   |                 +--rw dport-number-range-higher-udp    union
   |                 +--rw dscp?                            union
   |                 +--rw dscp-force?                      dscprmrk-uint
   |                 +--rw drop-precedence-force?           drop-prec-uint
   |                 +--rw urg?                             empty
   |                 +--rw ack?                             empty
   |                 +--rw push?                            empty
   |                 +--rw fin?                             empty
   |                 +--rw rst?                             empty
   |                 +--rw sync?                            empty
   |                 +--rw vlan?                            interface:vlan-type
   |                 +--rw count?                           empty
   |                 +--rw log?                             empty
   |                 +--rw mirror?                          empty
   |                 +--rw copy-sflow?                      empty
   +--rw acl-mirror
      +--rw source* [src-interface-type src-interface-name destination dst-interface-type dst-interface-name]
         +--rw src-interface-type    enumeration
         +--rw src-interface-name    mirror-ifname
         +--rw destination           enumeration
         +--rw dst-interface-type    enumeration
         +--rw dst-interface-name    mirror-ifname