
An extension to the LLDP model for defining RPCs to retrieve LLDP neighbors in the managed device.


   +---x get-lldp-neighbor-detail    
      +---w input     
      |  +---w (request-type)?
      |     +--:(get-request)
      |     |  +---w interface-type?      enumeration
      |     |  +---w interface-name?      union
      |     +--:(get-next-request)
      |        +---w last-rcvd-ifindex?   uint32
      +--ro output    
         +--ro lldp-neighbor-detail* [local-interface-name remote-interface-name]
         |  +--ro local-interface-name          string
         |  +--ro local-interface-mac?          interface:mac-address-type
         |  +--ro local-interface-ifindex?      uint64
         |  +--ro remote-interface-name         string
         |  +--ro remote-interface-mac?         interface:mac-address-type
         |  +--ro remote-unnum-interface-mac?   interface:mac-address-type
         |  +--ro remote-unnum-ip-address?      inet:ip-address
         |  +--ro remote-port-description?      string
         |  +--ro remote-chassis-id?            string
         |  +--ro remote-system-name?           string
         |  +--ro remote-system-description?    string
         |  +--ro dead-interval?                uint64
         |  +--ro remaining-life?               uint64
         |  +--ro lldp-pdu-transmitted?         yang:counter64
         |  +--ro lldp-pdu-received?            yang:counter64
         +--ro has-more?               boolean