
Provides a data model for managing the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP).

Top-level container

module: extreme-arp
   +--rw arp-entry* [arp-ip-address]
      +--rw arp-ip-address       inet:ipv4-address
      +--rw mac-address-value?   mac-access-list:mac-address-type
      +--rw interfacename?       enumeration
      +--rw (interfacetype)?
         |  +--rw Ethernet?            interface:interface-type
            +--rw Ve?                  interface:vlan-type  


Return ARP entries of the managed entity:

+---x get-arp    
      +---w input     
      |  +---w (input-type)?
      |     +--:(interface)
      |     |  +---w interface-type?   enumeration
      |     |  +---w interface-name?   union
      |     +--:(dynamic)
      |     |  +---w dynamic?          empty
      |     +--:(static)
      |     |  +---w static?           empty
      |     +--:(ip)
      |        +---w ip-address?       inet:ipv4-address
      +--ro output    
         +--ro arp-entry* [ip-address]
            +--ro ip-address        inet:ipv4-address
            +--ro mac-address?      mac-access-list:mac-address-type
            +--ro interface-type?   enumeration
            +--ro interface-name?   union
            +--ro is-resolved?      boolean
            +--ro age?              string
            +--ro entry-type?       enumeration