
Provides a data model to manage the link aggregation or IEEE 802.1AX-2008 feature.

Top-level container

module: extreme-lag
   +--rw port-channel-redundancy-group* [group-id]
      +--rw group-id        po-redundancy-group-type
      +--rw port-channel* [name]
      |  +--rw name                   interface:portchannel-type
      |  +--rw port-channel-active?   empty
      +--rw activate?       empty


   +---x get-port-channel-detail         
   |  +---w input     
   |  |  +---w (request-type)?
   |  |     +--:(get-request)
   |  |     |  +---w aggregator-id?        interface:portchannel-type
   |  |     +--:(get-next-request)
   |  |        +---w last-aggregator-id?   interface:portchannel-type
   |  +--ro output    
   |     +--ro lacp*
   |     |  +--ro aggregator-id?           interface:portchannel-type
   |     |  +--ro aggregator-type?         enumeration
   |     |  +--ro isvlag?                  boolean
   |     |  +--ro aggregator-mode?         enumeration
   |     |  +--ro admin-key?               lacp-key
   |     |  +--ro oper-key?                lacp-key
   |     |  +--ro actor-system-id?         yang:mac-address
   |     |  +--ro partner-system-id?       yang:mac-address
   |     |  +--ro system-priority?         uint32
   |     |  +--ro partner-oper-priority?   uint32
   |     |  +--ro rx-link-count?           uint64
   |     |  +--ro tx-link-count?           uint64
   |     |  +--ro individual-agg?          uint32
   |     |  +--ro ready-agg?               uint32
   |     |  +--ro partner-oper-key?        lacp-key
   |     |  +--ro aggr-member*
   |     |     +--ro interface-type?   enumeration
   |     |     +--ro interface-name?   union
   |     |     +--ro actor-port?       uint64
   |     |     +--ro sync?             uint64
   |     +--ro has-more?   boolean
   +---x get-portchannel-info-by-intf    
      +---w input     
      |  +---w interface-type?   enumeration
      |  +---w interface-name?   union
      +--ro output    
         +--ro lacp
            +--ro interface-type?                        enumeration
            +--ro interface-name?                        union
            +--ro actor-port?                            uint64
            +--ro admin-key?                             lacp-key
            +--ro oper-key?                              lacp-key
            +--ro actor-system-id?                       yang:mac-address
            +--ro partner-system-id?                     yang:mac-address
            +--ro system-priority?                       uint32
            +--ro partner-oper-priority?                 uint32
            +--ro actor-priority?                        uint32
            +--ro receive-machine-state?                 enumeration
            +--ro periodic-transmission-machine-state?   enumeration
            +--ro mux-machine-state?                     enumeration
            +--ro admin-state?                           lacp-state
            +--ro oper-state?                            lacp-state
            +--ro partner-oper-state?                    lacp-state
            +--ro partner-oper-port?                     uint64
            +--ro actor-chip-number?                     uint32
            +--ro actor-max-deskew?                      uint32
            +--ro partner-chip-number?                   uint32
            +--ro partner-max-deskew?                    uint32
            +--ro actor-brcd-state?                      brcd-trunk-states
            +--ro partner-brcd-state?                    brcd-trunk-states