
Provides a data model to manage licenses in a VCS fabric.

This module supports custom actions to perform operations such as installing and uninstalling a license, returning license ID information, returning license key values, and returning licensing information about dynamic Ports on Demand (POD).

Top-level container

module: extreme-license
   +--rw license
   |  +---x add       
   |  |  +---w input    
   |  |     +---w (str-file)?
   |  |     |  +--:(licStr)
   |  |     |  |  +---w licStr     string
   |  |     |  +--:(FTP-URL)
   |  |     |  |  +---w FTP-URL    string
   |  |     |  +--:(SCP-URL)
   |  |     |     +---w SCP-URL    string
   |  |     +---w slot?      uint32
   |  +---x remove    
   |  |  +---w input    
   |  |     +---w licStr    common-def:feature-type
   |  |     +---w slot?     uint32
   |  +---x eula      
   |     +---w input    
   |        +---w (accept-or-decline)?
   |           +--:(accept)
   |           |  +---w accept?    eula_features
   |           +--:(decline)
   |              +---w decline?   eula_features
   +--rw dpod
      +--rw port-id* [port-id]
         +--rw port-id      interface:interface-type
         +--rw operation?   license-dpod-operation-type