Delete Pending Mirror Session Configuration

You can delete pending mirror session configuration.

About this task

Follow this procedure to remove the pending mirror session configuration.


Run the following command:
efa tenant service mirror session configure

The efa tenant service mirror session configure command pushes or removes a pending configuration for a mirror session when it is in mirror-session-delete-pending state.


efa tenant service mirror session show
Name        : m1
Tenant      : tv3
State       : mirror-session-delete-pending
Description :

| Name |    Type    |          Source            | Destination |        Destination         |   Device Session ID    | Direction |  Dev State  |  App State  |
|      |            | [Device-IP,IfType,IfName]  |     Type    | [Device-IP,IfType,IfName]  | [Device-IP,SessionID]  |           |             |             |
|  m1  | port-based |,eth,0/6     |    span     |,eth,0/11    |,1      |   both    | provisioned | cfg-in-sync |
|      |            |                            |             |                            |                        |           |             |             |


--- Time Elapsed: 371.329541ms ---

efa tenant service mirror session configure --name m1 --tenant tv3

Mirror Service Session configured successfully.

--- Time Elapsed: 6.232577569s ---
(efa:extreme)extreme@node-1:~$ efa tenant service mirror session show

--- Time Elapsed: 286.058769ms ---