Alarm Types

The following tables describe the types of alarm:

Types Enum Description
Policy 14 Indicates a policy-service related issue
Tenant 13 Indicates a tenant-service related issue
Fabric 12 Indicates a fabric-service related issue
TimeDomain 11 Indicates that an event has occurred at an unexpected or prohibited time
Security 10 Indicates a security violation such as authentication failure or unauthorized access attempt
Physical 9 Indicates cable tampering or intrusion
Operational 8 Indicates that the provisioning of the requested service was not possible due to unavailability or malfunction of the service
Integrity 7 Indicates duplicate, missing, modified, unexpected, or out of sequence information
Environmental 6 Indicates an issue related to the enclosure housing the equipment
Equipment 5 Indicates faulty equipment
Processing 4 Indicates a software processing issue
QualityOfService 3 Indicates a quality related issue
Communications 2 Indicates a communication related issue
Other 1 Indicates a catch-all category for alarms.