Tenant and Port Level Binding

You can apply profiles at both the tenant and port levels.

The following diagram illustrates how concurrent profiles are applied at different levels in a hierarchy and how they affect system configuration. The QoS profiles applied to individual interfaces have the highest priority, while those applied to the fabric level have the lowest priority. If no profile is applied on an interface, the default settings at the system level will be used.

Use the following command to bind or unbind a profile at fabric, tenant or a subset of interfaces within a tenant:
% efa policy qos profile [bind | unbind] --profile <qosProfileName> --fabric|tenant <fabric-name|teannt-name>

QoS Profile Application to Fabric

% efa policy qos profile [bind | unbind] --profile <qosProfileName>
--fabric <fabricName> indicates the specified profile is being applied to a set of interfaces belonging to the specified fabric.

Use the QoS profile command to:


  1. The following command applies the configuration of a QoS Profile named fabricProfile1 to all devices and/or interfaces in “fabric1”:
    % efa policy qos profile bind --profile fabricProfile1 --fabric fabric1
  2. The following command removes the configuration of a QoS profile named fabricProfile1 from all devices and/or interfaces on fabric1, on which the configuration has been applied:
    % efa policy qos profile unbind --profile fabricProfile1 -–fabric fabric1

QoS Profile Application to Tenant

% efa policy qos profile [bind | unbind] --profile <qosProfileName>

Use the QoS profile command to:

Example of bind operation:

  1. The following command applies the configuration of a QoS profile named tenantProfile1 to all devices and/or interfaces in “tenant1”:
    % efa policy qos profile bind --profile tenantProfile1 --tenant tenant1
  2. The following example applies the configuration of QoS profile "fabricProfile1" to all devices and interfaces in fabric "fabric1".
    efa policy qos profile bind --profile fabricProfile1 --fabric fabric1
  3. The following example applies the configuration of QoS profile "fabricProfile2" to all internal ports in fabric "fabric1", but excludes applying the configuration on any edge interfaces. These ports were previously bound with "fabricProfile1" in the above example.
    efa policy qos profile bind --profile fabricProfile2 --fabric fabric1 --port “fabric-internal”
  4. The following example applies the configuration of a QoS profile named "tenantProfile1" to all devices or interfaces in "tenent1".
    efa policy qos profile bind --profile tenantProfile1 --tenant tenant1

Example fo unbind operation:

  1. The following example removes the configuration of a specified QoS profile from all devices and interfaces on a specified fabric.
    efa policy qos profile unbind --profile fabricProfile1 -–fabric fabric1
  2. The following example removes the configuration of a QoS profile named "tenantProfile2" from all devices or interfaces on "tenant1" on which the configuration has been applied.
    efa policy qos profile unbind --profile tenantProfile1 --tenant tenant1
  3. The following example removes the configuration of a QoS profile named "tenantProfile2" from device IP ethernet 0/1 (ethernet 0/1 is a member of tenant1 and po3, po4)
    efa policy qos profile unbind --profile tenantProfile2 --tenant tenant1 –-port “[0/1]” --po po3,po4

Bind Operation Example of Concurrently Applied Profiles

This topic describes examples on configuring fabric, tenants and QoS profiles and illustrates how the binding of QoS profiles within the binding hierarchy operates.


To start the base configuration, a Fabric1 is created that contains Ethernet interface Eth0/1-Eth0/11. There are also three QoS profiles created, Profile1-Profile3 that have not yet been bound at any level in the hierarchy.

  1. Three Tenants are created. Tenant1 has eth0/1-0/3, Tenant2 has eth0/4-eth0/6, and Tenant3 has eth0/7-eth0/11. Profile1 is applied to Fabric1:
    efa policy qos profile bind --profile Profile1 --fabric fabric1
  2. Apply Profile2 to Tenant 3:
    efa policy qos profile bind --profile Profile2 --tenant tenant3
  3. Apply Profile3 directly to few discrete interfaces. To achieve the configuration depicted in the following diagram, run three “bind” command. One command for each subset of interfaces within the three Tenants.
    %efa policy qos profile bind --profile Profile3 --tenant tenant1 --port “[0/1,0/2]”
    %efa policy qos profile bind --profile Profile3 --tenant tenant2 --port “[0/5]”
    %efa policy qos profile bind --profile Profile3 --tenant tenant3 --port “[0/9]"--po "po3,po4”

To start the base configuration, a Fabric1 is created that contains Ethernet interface Eth0/1-Eth0/11. There are also three QoS profiles created, Profile1-Profile3 that have not yet been bound at any level in the hierarchy. After the configuration, the only allowable options are either to bind a profile to Fabric1 or create tenants and apply profiles to those tenants.

  1. Create three tenants and assign Profile2 to Tenant3:
    efa policy qos profile bind --profile Profile2 --tenant tenant3
  2. Apply Profile3 directly to few discrete interfaces. To achieve the configuration depicted in the following diagram the user will need to issue 3 “bind” command. One command for each subset of interfaces within the 3 Tenants:
    %efa policy qos profile bind --profile Profile3 --tenant tenant1 --port “[0/1,0/2]”
    %efa policy qos profile bind --profile Profile3 --tenant tenant2 --port “[0/5]”
    %efa policy qos profile bind --profile Profile3 --tenant tenant3 --port “[0/9]"--po "po3,po4”
  3. Apply Profile1 to Fabric1.
    % efa policy qos profile bind --profile Profile1 --fabric fabric1

Unbind Operation Example of Concurrently Applied Profiles

The following is the initial configuration for the two example is as follows.

% efa policy qos profile bind --profile Profile1 --fabric fabric1
% efa policy qos profile bind --profile Profile2 --tenant tenant3
% efa policy qos profile bind --profile Profile3 --tenant tenant1 --port “[0/1,0/2]”
% efa policy qos profile bind --profile Profile3 --tenant tenant2 --port “[0/5]”
% efa policy qos profile bind --profile Profile3 --tenant tenant3 --port “[0/9]"--po "po3,po4”


  1. Use the following command to remove the binding of Profile3 from eth 0/9:
    efa policy qos profile unbind --profile Profile3 --tenant tenant3 --port “[0/9]”
    The configuration of “Profile3” is removed from Eth0/9. Eth0/9 is reconfigured to contain the QoS configuration contained in “Profile2” as eth0/9 is a member of Tenant3, and Tenant 3 has Profile2 actively applied.
  2. Use the following command to remove the binding of Profile2 from tenant3:
    efa policy qos profile unbind --profile Profile2 --tenant tenant3
    The configuration of “Profile2” is removed from Eth0/7, Eth0/8, Eth0/10, and Eth0/11. These four interfaces will be reconfigured to contain the QoS configuration contained in “Profile1”.


Since Profile3 is applied to Eth0/9 using the –-interface option when removing the Tenant3 binding even though Eth0/9 is member of Tenant3, the configuration of Eth0/9 is unchanged and still contains the configuration associated with Profile3.