What's New in this Document

The following table describes information added to this guide for the ExtremeCloud Orchestrator 3.5.0 software release.

Table 1. Summary of changes
Feature Description Link
Enable or Disable Flooding for IP DHCP Relay Added a new topic "Enable or Disable Flooding for IP DHCP Relay" that describes procedure for enabling or disabling flooding for IP DHCP relay. Enable or Disable Flooding for IP DHCP Relay
Enable or Disable Suppress ARP and Neighbor Discovery (ND) Added a new topic "Enable or Disable Suppress ARP and Neighbor Discovery (ND)" that describes procedure for enabling or disabling suppress ARP and neighbor discovery. Enable or Disable ARP Suppression and Neighbor Discovery (ND)
Firmware upgrade status Added new topics "Firmware Upgrade Status", "User Action Fabric-Wide Firmware=Download (FWDL) History", and "Runtime (Operational) Status-based History" that describes fetching the fabric-wide firmware upgrade status using the CLI.
License service
  • Updated the topic "XCO License Service Management" with information on setting alerts on license expiry and deleting licenses.
  • Added a new topic "Delete a License" that describes procedure to delete a license.
  • Added a new topic "License Expiry Alert" that describes alerts when a license is expired.
  • Updated the topic "Inventory of Alerts" with License Alerts Inventory table.
  • Added a new topic "License Alerts" that describes alerts on License.
Additional SNMP Notification Event support from SLX
  • Modified the topic "Set Threshold Monitor Options" that describes procedure to set threshold monitor options
  • Added a new topic "Additional Threshold Monitor Types" that describes additional threshold monitor entities.
  • Added a new topic "Re-worked Threshold Monitor Parameters" that describes threshold monitor parameters in XCO 3.5.0.
  • Added a new topic "CLI Migration" that describes which threshold monitor settings will be migrated from the previous XCO releases.
  • Modified the topic "Remove Settings for Threshold Monitor Options" that describes procedure to unset threshold monitor options.
  • Modified the topic "Display Threshold Monitor Settings" that describes procedure to show threshold monitor settings.
Password expiry notification enhancement
  • Added a new topic "SLX Password Expiry Notification" which describes the process for configuring password expiry notification.
  • Updated the topic "Inventory of Alerts" with the Password Expiry Alerts Inventory table.
  • Updated the topic "Alarm Inventory" with password expiration alarm.
Galera certificate Updated the topics "XCO Certificates" and "Galera Certificate" with the Galera certificate details.