Show a Port Channel

You can view a brief or detailed output of the port channel of all tenants, a given tenant, or a given port channel.

About this task

Follow this procedure to view a port channel configuration details.


Run the efa tenant po show command.
efa tenant po show [--name po-name|--tenant tenant-name | --detail |-- help]


  1. The following table provides a list of port channel, device, and application state:
    |             State              |  Dev State  |   App State   |
    |                                |             |               |
    | po-min-links-count-set-pending | provisioned | cfg-refreshed |
    |                                |             |               |
    |       po-delete-pending        | provisioned | cfg-refreshed |
    |     po-port-delete-pending     | provisioned | cfg-refreshed |
    |           po-created           | provisioned |  cfg-in-sync  |
    |  po-lacp-timeout-set-pending   | provisioned | cfg-refreshed |
    |   po-description-set-pending   | provisioned | cfg-refreshed |
    |     po-mtu-delete-pending      | provisioned | cfg-refreshed |
  2. The following example shows detailed output of all port channels:
    $ efa tenant po show --detail
    Name : po1
    Tenant : tenant11
    ID : 1
    Description : EFA Port-channel po1
    Speed : 100Gbps
    Negotiation : active
    Min Link Count : 2
    Lacp Timeout : short
    Ports :[0/12-13]
    State : po-created
    Dev State : provisioned
    App State : cfg-in-sync
    Name : po2
    Tenant : tenant11
    ID : 2
    Description : EFA Port-channel po3
    Speed : 10Gbps
    Negotiation : static
    Min Link Count : 1
    Lacp Timeout :
    Ports :[0/15]
    State : po-created
    Dev State : provisioned
    App State : cfg-in-sync
    Name : po11
    Tenant : tenant21
    ID : 3
    Description : EFA Port-channel po11
    Speed : 25Gbps
    Negotiation : active
    Min Link Count : 1
    Lacp Timeout : short
    Ports :[0/22]
    State : po-created
    Dev State : provisioned
    App State : cfg-in-sync
    --- Time Elapsed: 506.117046ms ---
  3. The following example shows brief output of a specific port channels:
    $ efa tenant po show --tenant tenant11 --name po1
    | Name | Tenant   | ID | Speed   | Negotiation | Min Link | Lacp    |
    |      |          |    |         |             | Count    | Timeout |
    | po1  | tenant11 | 1  | 100Gbps | active      | 1        | short   |
    |      |          |    |         |             | |        |
    | Lacp | Ports | State | Dev State | App State || Timeout | | | | |
    | short |[0/12] | po-created | provisioned | cfg-in-sync |
    | |[0/12] | | | |
    PortChannel Details
    --- Time Elapsed: 150.30883ms ---
  4. The following example shows detailed output of all port channels of a tenant:
    $ efa tenant po show --tenant tenant21 --detail
    Name : po11
    Tenant : tenant21
    ID : 3
    Description : EFA Port-channel po11
    Speed : 25Gbps
    Negotiation : active
    Min Link Count : 1
    Lacp Timeout : short
    Ports :[0/22]
    State : po-created
    Dev State : provisioned
    App State : cfg-in-sync
    --- Time Elapsed: 223.892847ms ---