Edit Extreme 9920 Device Slot Settings (Packet Broker Mode)

About this task

XCO 3.5.0 supports the discovery and configuration of Extreme 9920 devices with 400G interface line cards.


  • This procedure applies only to Extreme 9920 devices.
  • XCO shows the slot state as Online for all states such as Faulty, Present, and Initializing, except the line card removal state, Empty.


  1. In the Navigation menu, select Device Inventory.
  2. In the Devices page, click anywhere in the required device row except the Actions column (Actions column icon) to proceed to the device Overview page.
    The Overview tab displays several device-specific default reports and the front panel view of the device.Device overview screen
  3. In the device front panel view, select Settings (settings icon) for the required slot.
  4. Edit the Slot Type:
    • 9920-16C: 16*100/40G Line Card
    • 9920-4D: 4*400G Line Card
    • Empty
    If the slot type is Empty, the associated slot configuration is cleared.
  5. Select Save.