Create Port Channel or LAG


  1. In the Navigation menu, select Tenants.
  2. In the Tenants page, click anywhere in the required tenant row except the Actions column (Actions column icon) to proceed to the tenant Overview page.
  3. In the Tenant Navigation menu, select Port Channels (LAG) (port channel icon).
  4. Select Create Port Channel (LAG).
    create port channel (LAG) page
  5. In the Name field, enter a unique name for the port channel.
  6. In the Speed field, select the required speed for the ports.
    • 100Mbps
    • 1Gbps
    • 10Gbps
    • 25Gbps
    • 40Gbps
    • 100 Gbps
  7. In the Negotiation field, select the negotiation value.
    • active
    • passive
    • static
  8. Optional: Enter the Additional Parameters as required.
    • ID: Unique numeric ID for the port channel
    • Min Link Count: Minimum number of interfaces that the port channel requires to be active
    • MTU (Bytes): Maximum transmission unit for packets that pass through the ports in the channel
    • LACP Timeout: Timeout value in seconds
    • Description: Port channel description
  9. Optional: In the Description field, provide a description for the port channel.
  10. In the Fabric section, select the port channel Type:
    • Single Homed: Port channel members are from to a single homed device or a single device of the dual homed MCT pair.
    • Dual Homed: Port channel members are from both the devices of the dual homed MCT pair.
    fabric section in the create tenant port channel page
  11. Select the Device (Single homed) or Device Pair (Dual homed) for the port channel.
    The port layout of the selected device is displayed.
  12. Select member ports for the port channel.
    All ports owned by the tenant (including shared tenants) and the ports that are not associated with any of the port channels or services (EPGs) will be available for member port selection.
  13. Select Create Port Channel (LAG).