Create BGP Peer


  1. In the Navigation menu, select Tenants.
  2. In the Tenants page, click anywhere in the required tenant row except the Actions column (Actions column icon) to proceed to the tenant Overview page.
  3. In the Tenant Navigation menu, select BGP (BGP icon).
  4. Select the BGP Peers tab.
  5. Select Create BGP Peer.
  6. In the Name field, enter a name for the BGP peer.
  7. In the Device(s) drop-down menu, select the required devices.
  8. Select the required VRF.
  9. Select the BGP peer Type:
    • Static: Go to step 10 to create a Static BGP Peer.
    • Dynamic: Go to step 11 to create a Dynamic BGP Peer.
    The options vary by the BGP peer type.
  10. Configure the required Static BGP peer parameters.
    1. Enter the Neighbor IP address.
      XCO 3.4.0 supports only one Neighbor IP configuration.
    2. Select the required Remote As value.
    3. Configure the required Detailed Configuration parameters.
    4. Configure the required Additional Path parameters.
    5. Configure the required Multi Protocol Capability parameters.
    6. Select Create BGP Peer.
  11. Configure the required Dynamic BGP peer parameters.
    1. Enter the Listen IP Address Range.
    2. Select the required peer group from the Peer Group Name drop-down menu.
    3. Select Create BGP Peer.