Add Devices

Before you begin

  • To be able to add multiple devices in bulk, create a Device Definition File, a CSV file that specifies the devices that you want to add. For more information, see Create a Device Definition File.
  • The MLX devices must be configured for SSH as they are not AAA enabled and do not have the default user name and password.

About this task

When a device is discovered, the device state is updated as In Progress. If the device connection is not successful, the appropriate error message is added to the notifications page.



XCO deployed in packet broker mode supports device discovery notifications only for packet broker devices.


  1. In the Navigation menu, select Device Inventory > Add Devices.
    Add new devices window
  2. Proceed to step 3 to add devices manually. Else, go to step 4 to add multiple devices in bulk.
  3. Select Manually and complete the following fields to add devices manually:
    1. In the Add List of IP(s) field, enter the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the devices.
      You can add a single IP address or a list of IP addresses enclosed in double quotes as shown in the following examples:
    2. In the Location field, select the location where the device resides.
      • ExtremeCloud Orchestrator 3.2.0 deployed in IP fabric mode supports only the default location.
      • XCO creates periodic system backup at scheduled intervals and all services are locked during system backup. For more information, see the ExtremeCloud Orchestrator CLI Administration Guide, 3.5.0 .

        The location drop-down list will not be available during system backup. This is reflected in the user interface as “Service is Locked with reason backup”.

    3. Enter the Username and Password information.
    4. (9920 only) In the LACP System Priority field, select a value to set the LACP system priority.
  4. Select Import > Select File to browse to the CSV file.
    Import devices using a .csv file
    A sample CSV file template is available for download to create device definition files.
  5. Select Add.