Ensuring that the System is Ready

After any of the following scenarios, wait 10 minutes for EFA microservices to be operational before you run EFA commands.
  • Powering on the OVA
  • Rebooting the OVA
  • Rebooting the TPVM
  • Rebooting the SLX (which also reboots the TPVM)
  • Rebooting the server on which the TAR is installed
Run the following command to verify that all PODs are in a running state.
# k3s kubectl get pods -n efa 

NAME                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
goswitch-service-958fcfb4f-qddnw         1/1     Running   4          72d
godb-service-57bd99747-f4cxb             1/1     Running   4          83d
efa-api-docs-6bb5dbcc74-br485            1/1     Running   4          72d
filebeat-service-86ddd654b6-z9zhr        1/1     Running   4          72d
goopenstack-service-554c57548f-bjwtb     1/1     Running   8          72d
logstash-service-6c49f8dd85-mngd4        1/1     Running   4          72d
rabbitmq-0                               1/1     Running   7          72d
govcenter-service-f6b49d9b9-s24wk        1/1     Running   19         72d
gohyperv-service-854654f6b9-m9mv8        1/1     Running   20         72d
goinventory-service-59d9b798d8-s9wn6     1/1     Running   20         72d
gotenant-service-55fd8889d8-g8rgb        1/1     Running   19         72d
gofabric-service-69d8995fc6-swnqw        1/1     Running   19         72d
elasticsearch-service-5cdc874b5d-f6rjh   1/1     Running   4          72d
kibana-service-7748b6db9c-lbm9w          1/1     Running   6          72d
metricbeat-service-76c4874887-mbm7h      1/1     Running   32         72d