Replace a Device with the Same Configuration

You can replace a device that has the same configuration as the new device without affecting the network or the configuration.

  1. Ensure that the configuration from the old device is copied to the new device.
  2. Ensure that the device information in EFA is current.
    Do not perform this step if all configuration changes to the device are done through EFA.
    efa inventory device update ip –<IP address of the old device>


    • This command ensures that the Asset service has the latest information.
    • If the replaced device is not reachable or responding and the configuration being copied to the replacement device does not match the details in the Asset service, see Replace a Device with a Different Configuration.
  3. Replace the device.
    efa inventory device replace ip -<IP address of the new device>


This example shows typical output for a successful device replacement.
efa inventory device replace ip -10.x.x.x

| ID | IP Address | Host Name| Model| Chassis Name| Firmware |  ASN  | Role | Fabric |
| 7  | 10.x.x.x   | Fre-135  | 3001 | BR-SLX9140  | 18s.1.01a| 65000 |      |        |


This example shows sample output for a failure.
efa inventory device replace ip -10.x.x.x
Key                            Reason
Interface IPs Updated          Interface ethernet 0/5 has IP but no previous IP
                               was assigned for device 10.x.x.x
VRF Interface Mapping Added    true


This example shows sample output for a different failure.
efa inventory device replace ip -10.x.x.x
Key                            Reason
Local AS updated       
Interface IPs Updated          Interface ethernet 0/28 has IP but no
                               previous IP was assigned for device 10.x.x.x. Interface ethernet
                               0/25:1 has IP 10.10.10/85/31 but no previous IP was assigned for
                               device 10.x.x.x
Added Interfaces               loopback 1
Global Added                   64512
VRF updated                    true
VRF Interface Mapping Added    true