EFA Ecosystem Integration

Administrators can use EFA to integrate with several orchestration ecosystems.

EFA provides one-touch integration points with these ecosystems, providing deep insight into VMs, vSwitches, port groups, and hosts, and the translation of these into IP Fabric networking constructs.

VMware vCenter


The OpenStack plugin package for ML2 and ML3 includes the following.
ML2 Plugin
  • CRUD operations on Network and Port
  • LAG Support
  • Provider Network (default, PT)
Trunking (VLAN) Trunking using virtio ports
SRIOV-VF Network Operations using SRIOV-VF Passthrough – Intel, Mellanox
SRIOV-PF Network Operations using SRIOV-VF Passthrough – Intel, Mellanox
Layer 3 (E-W) East West Traffic using virtio ports (Neutron Router, Router Interface, Subnet CRUD operations)
VMotion Virtual Machine Migration
BD Support Support for BD-enabled in Tenant Service
Multi VIM Support Multiple Tenants managed from OSS
Multi-Segment Support Multiple segments using SRIOV (PF/VF)+ Virtio (DHCP)
CEP Support

Microsoft Hyper-V