Backing Up the Current Image from Rescue Mode

You must follow the procedures in this section if you are backing up the current image.

You can also backup the current image via the Wireless Assistant GUI. For more information, see Backing Up the Current Image During the Upgrade Process from the Wireless Assistant GUI.



When you backup the current image, the license activation key and option keys are also backed up.

To back up the existing current image:

  1. Connect to the console port. Do not use the ESA ports or the Admin management port. For more information, see Using the Console Port.
  2. Reboot the system.The following menu appears during the reboot process.
    Controller Rescue
  3. Select Controller Rescue, and then press Enter. The first repairFS script runs after the OS initialization.


    The above process may take several minutes. You must not reboot the system. After the filesystem check is completed, the main rescue menu is displayed.
    Rescue Start-up Menu. Use with extreme caution.
    1) Force System Recovery
    2) Create System Backup Image
    3) Display Backup Images
    4) FTP Menu
    5) Network Interface Menu
    6) Manually run File System Check Utility (fsck)
    7) Restore Backup Image directly from the FTP server
    8) Authentication Service Management Menu
    9) Flash Menu
    R) Reboot
    WARNING! - Forcing system recovery will erase all files, and reinstall the selected image (either backup or factory).
    Reboot will restart the system back into Normal mode.
    If you have any questions about these options, please contact Support.
    Your choice:


    If you want to create a backup image either on the wireless controller local drive or the USB device, follow Step 4 and skip the remaining steps. If you want to upload the backup image, follow steps 6 to 12.
  4. Type 2 in the Rescue menu to create a backup image.
    Your choice: 2
    mounting rest of normal mode partitions...done
    Do you want to create a system backup image to USB key? (Y/N)
  5. Type Y to backup the image to a USB device or N to backup the image to the controller‘s local drive.


    Creating a system backup image to the controller‘s local drive will overwrite the existing backup image.

    If you type Y, the following screen is displayed:

    Please enter a backup filename:
    1. Enter the backup image filename ending in -rescue-user.tgz and press Enter.

      The following screen is displayed.

      Proceed with backup (Y/N):
    2. Type Y. The system backs up the image to the USB device.
      Creating a Backup image is Complete!
       << Press any key to continue >>

      If you type N, the following message is displayed:

      Proceed with backup (Y/N):

      Type Y. The system backs up the image.

      --------------- Creating 'Normal' mode backup ------------
      Please be patient. It may take a while. Do not reboot the machine
      Mount the normal mode partitions:
      mounting root partition...done.
      mounting rest of normal mode partitions...done.
      Creating a backup, please wait
      Creating a Backup image is Complete!
      Unmounting partitions...
      << Press any key to continue >>


      You can also upload the backed up image to the FTP server. To upload the image to the FTP server, continue with the following procedures.
  6. Enter Rescue mode.
    1. Type 5 in Rescue menu to enter the Network Interface menu.
    2. Type 2 in the Network Interface menu. The following screen is displayed.
      Your choice: 2
      Please enter Interface information
      Format <ip>:<netmask> <gw optional>


      You can use the Network Interface menu options from 3 to 5 (IP, Netmask, and default gateway) one at a time.
  7. Press [Enter]. The following screen is displayed.
    ip is netmask is
    Configuring interface …
    Setting up network interface … Done!
    << Press any key to continue >>
  8. Test the interface.
    1. Type 6 in the Network Interface menu.
      PING ( from : 56(84)
      bytes of data.
      64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=2.49 ms
      64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=63 time=0.881 ms
      64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=63 time=0.706 ms
      64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=63 time=0.738 ms
      64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=63 time=0.707 ms
      --- ping statistics ---
      5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% loss, time 4031ms
      rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.706/1.106/2.498/0.698 ms
      << Press any key to continue >>


      If the Network Interface is not configured properly, the following screen is displayed.
      PING ( from : 56(84) bytes of data.
      --- ping statistics ---
      9 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% loss, time 9038ms
       << Press any key to continue >>
  9. Type B to return to the top menu. The following screen is displayed.
    Your choice: B
    Going back to the top menu...
  10. Configure the FTP Settings.
    1. Type 4 in the Rescue menu to configure the FTP Settings. The following screen is displayed:
      FTP MENU
      1) Enter FTP Settings
      2) Change FTP server IP address
      3) Change FTP port
      4) Change user name
      5) Change password
      6) Change FTP directory
      7) Change file name
      8) Display current FTP Settings
      9) Display locally stored images
      10) Download Image from FTP server
      11) Upload Image onto the FTP server
      12) Remove locally stored images
      B) Return back to the top menu
      Your choice:
    2. Type 1 to enter the FTP settings.
    3. Type 1 in the FTP menu. The following screen is displayed.
      Your choice: 1
      Command syntax: ftp://<user>:<password>@<ftp_ip>:<port>/<directory&filename>
      ~port information is optional: the default value is 21~
      Please enter ftp info:
    4. Type the name of the image to be uploaded, as part of the FTP settings. For example:

      Please enter FTP info:



      When you are uploading the backup image, the filename in the command syntax corresponds to the image that is being uploaded to the FTP server (filenames can be displayed by typing 9 in the FTP menu). When you are downloading the backup image, the filename in the command syntax corresponds to a file that is being downloaded from the FTP server.
  11. Check the FTP settings.
    1. Type 8 in the FTP menu. The following screen is displayed.
      Your choice: 8
      Current Settings:
      FTP IP address: port: 21
      user name: tester
      password: 123456
      FTP directory: "backup_dir"
      FTP file: "rue-rescue-user.tgzz"
      << Press any key to continue >>
    2. Confirm that the name of the file to be uploaded to the FTP server is correct.
  12. If applicable, modify the FTP settings.

    In the FTP menu, choose options from 2 to 7 to individually configure the FTP settings:

    • FTP server‘s IP address
    • FTP port
    • User name
    • Password
    • FTP directory
    • File Name
  13. Upload the image on the FTP server:
    1. Type 11 in the FTP menu. The following screen is displayed:
      Your choice: 11
      Attempting to upload an image to the ftp server. Please be patient
      Please verify at the ftp server that image has successfully been uploaded
      << Press any key to continue >>


      The minimum backup image size is approximately 250 MB.

      You must have write permission for the FTP server and the specified FTP directory.

  14. Confirm that the image is backed up.
    Type 9 in the FTP menu. The following screen is displayed:
    Your choice: 9
    Currently Locally Stored Images:
    1 ) rue-rescue-user.tgz
    2 ) AC-MV- 
    << Press any key to continue >>