show cfm md mip-ccm

Use this command to display maintenance intermediate point (MIP) continuity check message information by MD, MA, or MEP.


Display by MD:
show cfm md {string-name name | dns-like-name dns-name | mac-int-name mac-name | no-name | index index} mip-ccm [vid vlan-id]
Display by MA:
show cfm md {string-name name | dns-like-name dns-name | mac-int-name mac-name | no-name | index index} ma {string-name name | vid-name vlan | id-name id | index index} mip-ccm [vid vlan-id]
Display by MEP:
show cfm md {string-name name | dns-like-name dns-name | mac-int-name mac-name | no-name | index index} ma {string-name name | vid-name vlan | id-name id | index index} mep [mep-id mep-id] mip-ccm [vid vlan-id]


md Specifies an MD context.
ma Specifies an MA context.
mep Specifies a maintenance end-point context.
string-name name Specifies the MD or MA string name of the MIP continuity check information to display. Valid values are up to 43 printable characters.
dns-like-name dns-name Specifies the MD DNS like string name of the MIP continuity check information to display. Valid values are up to 43 printable characters.
mac-int-name mac-name Specifies the MD MAC address formatted string name of the MIP continuity check information to display. A valid value is a MAC address formatted string plus an integer index ID value separated by a period (.) in the format xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx.ID or xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx.ID, where x is a hex value and the ID range is 0 - 65535.
no-name Specifies the NULL string named MD of the MIP continuity check information to display.
index index Specifies the MD index value or the MA index of the MIP continuity check information to display.
vid-name vlan Specifies the MA VLAN ID name of the MIP continuity check information to display.
id-name id Specifies the MA ID name of the MIP continuity check information to display.
index index Specifies the MA index value of the MIP continuity check information to display.
mep-id mep-id (Optional) Specifies a maintenance end-point of the MIP continuity check information to display.
-verbose (Optional) A detailed level of MIP continuity check information will display.
vid vlan-id (Optional) Specifies the VLAN entry of MIP continuity check message information to display.


  • If the mep-id option is not specified, MIP continuity check information for all end-points will display.
  • If the -verbose option is not specified, a standard level of information displays.
  • If the vid option is not specified, the output displays information for all VLANs in the database.


All command modes.


This example displays the myMD1, association index 2 MIP continuity check message database information:

System(rw)->show cfm md string-name myMD1 ma string-name myMaintenaceAssocation2 mip-ccm
MD Name: myMD1
MA Name: myMA12
MPID       MAC Address       Port   FID  TimeStamp  Type    Value
----- ----------------- ---------- ----- ---------- ----- --------
   10 00-00-00-00-00-06    ge.2.17    10     197190   VID       10
   10 00-00-00-00-00-07    ge.2.17    10     197190   VID       10
   10 00-00-00-00-00-08    ge.2.17    10     199190   VID       10
   10 00-00-00-10-00-02    ge.2.17    10     197190   VID       10
   10 00-00-00-10-00-03    ge.2.17    10     197190   VID       10

show cfm md mip-ccm Output Display provides an explanation of the command output.

Click to expand in new window

show cfm md mip-ccm Output Display

Output... What it displays...
MD Name Maintenance domain name.
MA Name MA name.
MPID Maintenance point ID.
MAC Address MEP MAC address.
Port MEP port.
FID Filter database ID.
TimeStamp A counter in centiseconds specifying the time since the last continuity check message was received.
Type Protected service type.
Value Protected service value.