vpn id

Use this command to configure the VPN identifier.


vpn id oui:vpn-index


oui Specifies the VPN authority. Valid values are 1 - 16777215.
vpn-index Specifies a particular VPN belonging to the VPN authority. Valid values are 1 - 4294967295.




A named VRF global configuration mode.


The VPN ID is the virtual private network identifier as defined in RFC 2685. It defines both the owner of the VPN (OUI), referred to as the VPN authority, and the specific VPN owned by the VPN authority (VPN Index). These two values are separated by a colon (:). The VPN identifier is used by other network features to identify the VPN to which a client packet flow belongs to. For example, a VPN ID can be sent by a DHCP relay agent to a DHCP server as part of the relay agent information options used by the server to assign the correct lease to a DHCP client.


This example shows how to configure the VPN ID for VPN 1 belonging to the 1001 VPN authority:

System(su)->router vpnA
System(su-vpnA-config)->vpn id 1001:1