Select Shutdown

The Select Shutdown tab displays the 2.4 GHz APs that have been shut down to maintain CCI levels.



This information is displayed only if Select Shutdown is enabled in a deployed Smart RF policy. For more information, see Configure Smart RF Select Shutdown Settings.

Details about the RF Domain member radios that have been automatically shut down are presented in tabular form. Smart RF Statistics – Select Shutdown Table Column Headings describes the type of information displayed under each column in the table.

Table 1. Smart RF Statistics – Select Shutdown Table Column Headings
Column Heading Description
AP Hostname Displays the hostname of an AP that was shut down by Smart RF as part of the Select Shutdown feature process.
AP MAC Displays the MAC address of an AP.
Radio Identifies a radio that was shutdown.
Radio MAC Displays the MAC address of a radio.
Radio Status Indicates the current status of a radio.