Configure Smart RF Recovery Settings

Set the Smart RF recovery settings using the Recovery configuration options.


The recovery parameters within the Neighbor Recovery, Interference, and Coverage Hole Recovery tabs are enabled only when Custom is selected as the Sensitivity setting from the Smart RF Basic screen.

The Neighbor Recovery tab displays by default. Use the Neighbor, Interference, and Coverage Hole recovery tabs to define how 5.0 GHz and 2.4 GHz radios compensate for failed neighbor radios, interference that affects the Smart RF supported network, and detected coverage holes that require intervention by neighbor radios.

  1. Select Policies > Smart RF.
    A set of existing Smart RF policy list opens.
  2. Select a Smart RF policy from the list.
  3. Select Recovery.
  4. Use the Power Hold Time field to define the minimum time between two radio power changes during neighbor recovery.
    Set the time between 0 to 3600 seconds.
  5. Set the following Neighbor Recovery parameters:
    5 GHz Neighbor Power Threshold Set the maximum power increase threshold from -85 dBm to -55 dBm that the 5.0 GHz radio uses if it is required to increase its output power to compensate for a failed radio within its wireless radio coverage area. The default value is -70 dBm
    2.4 GHz Neighbor Power Threshold Set the maximum power increase threshold from -85 dBm to -55 dBm that the 2.4 GHz radio uses if it is required to increase its output power to compensate for a failed radio within its wireless radio coverage area. The default value is -70 dBm
  6. Set the following Dynamic Sample Recovery parameters:
    Dynamic Sample Enabled Select Dynamic Sample Enabled to activate dynamic sampling. Dynamic sampling allows an administrator to define how Smart RF adjustments are triggered by locking retry and threshold values. This option is not activated by default
    Dynamic Sample Retries Set the number of retries (from 1 to 10) attempted before a power level adjustment is implemented to compensate for a potential coverage hole. The default setting is 3
    Dynamic Sample Threshold Set the minimum number of sample reports (from 1 to 30) used before a Smart RF power compensation requires dynamic sampling. The default setting is 5
  7. Configure Smart RF Interference Recovery settings:
    Interference Select Interference to allow the Smart RF policy to scan for excess interference from supported radio devices. WLANs are susceptible to sources of interference, such as neighboring radios, cordless phones, microwave ovens, and Bluetooth devices. When interference for WiFi sources is detected, Smart RF supported devices can change the channel and move to a clearer channel. This feature is activated by default
    Noise Select Noise to allow the Smart RF policy to scan for excess noise from WiFi devices. When detected, Smart RF supported devices can change their channel and move to a clearer channel. This feature is activated by default
    Noise Factor Set the level of network interference detected taken into consideration by Smart RF during interference recovery calculations. The default setting is 1.5
    Channel Hold Time Define the minimum time between channel changes during neighbor recovery. Set the time between 0 to 86,400 seconds. The default setting is 1400 seconds
    Client Threshold Set a client threshold for the Smart RF policy between 1 to 255. If the set threshold number of clients are connected to a radio, the radio does not change its channel, even though required, based on the interference recovery determination made by the Smart RF admin. The default setting is 50
    5 GHz Channel Switch Delta Set a channel switch delta (interference delta), from 5 dBm to 35 dBm, for the 5.0 GHz radio. This parameter is the difference between noise levels on the current channel and a prospective channel. If the difference is below the configured threshold, the channel will not change. The default setting is 20 dBm
    2.4 GHz Channel Switch Delta Set a channel switch delta (interference delta), from 5 dBm to 35 dBm, for the 2.4 GHz radio. This parameter is the difference between noise levels on the current channel and a prospective channel. If the difference is below the configured threshold, the channel will not change. The default setting is 20 dBm
  8. Configure Smart RF Coverage Hole Recovery for 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz radios:
    Client Threshold Use the spinner to set a client threshold for the Smart RF policy between 1 to 255. This is the minimum number of clients a radio should have associated in order for coverage hole recovery to start. The default setting is 1
    SNR Threshold Set a signal-to-noise (SNR) threshold , between 1 to 75 dB. This is the signal-to-noise threshold for an associated client as seen by its associated access point radio. When exceeded, the radio increases its transmit power in order to increase coverage for the associated client. The default value is 20 dB
    Coverage Interval Define the length of time (between 1 to 120 seconds) after which coverage hole recovery should be initiated when a coverage hole is detected. The default is 10 seconds for both 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz radios
    Interval Define the length of time (between 1 to 120 seconds) coverage hole recovery should be conducted before a coverage hole is detected. The default is 30 seconds for both 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz radios
  9. Select Save to update the Smart RF recovery settings for this policy.