
Go to Statistics > Sites.

The Sites window displays all the RF Domains managed by the controller or service platform, as well as a summary of site-related statistics, in tabular form.

Sites Statistics Description describes the type of statistical information displayed under each column in the table.

Table 1. Sites Statistics Description
Column Heading Description
Site Name Identifies the name assigned to the site (RF Domain).
Manager Displays the RF Domain Manager.
Devices Indicates the number of online APs within the RF Domain
Radios Displays the number of radios within the RF Domain
Clients Indicates the number of connected clients within the RF Domain
Sensors Indicates the number of radios configured as sensors within the RF domain
Rate Displays the average user data rate within the RF Domain.
Traffic Displays the total bytes of data transmitted and received within the RF Domain.
Pkts Displays the total number of data packets transmitted and received within the RF Domain.
PPS Displays the transmit and receive transmission rates in packets-per-second.
Management Displays the total number of management packets processed within the RF Domain.
Rx errors Displays the number of errors encountered during data transmission within the RF Domain. The higher the error rate, the less reliable the connection or data transfer.
Tx dropped Displays the total number of dropped data packets within the RF Domain.