
Go to Statistics > Devices, then select a Site in the list. The Basic pane opens, displaying all the RF Domain member devices and related details in tabular form.

You can select a device under the Hostname column to view a graphical presentation of the device's statistics. The controller and access point statistics differ.

Devices Statistics - Basic Table Column Headings describes the type of information displayed under each column in the Basic table.

Table 1. Devices Statistics - Basic Table Column Headings
Column Heading Description

Displays the administrator-assigned host name of the RF Domain member device.

MAC Displays the MAC address of the device.
Type Identifies the device type, for example AP410C-1.
Model Identifies the device model, for example AP410C-1-WR.
Controller Indicates whether a device is a controller, as follows:
  • – is not a controller
  • – is a controller
Adopted By Identifies the MAC address of the controller which has adopted the device.
Profile Displays the name of the Profile assigned to the device.
Version Displays the current device firmware version.
IP Displays the device's primary IP address.
Last Adoption Indicates the time at which the device was last adopted by the controller within the past 24 hrs.