Manage URL Filtering PoliciesNEW!

Go to Policies > URL Filtering.

Configuring a URL Filter policy consists of creating a policy and assigning it a name, then configuring policy rules. The user interfaces used to perform these configuration tasks include:

View Configured Policies and Rules

URL Filter Table Column Headings and Web Filter Rules Table Column Headings describe the type of information displayed under each column in user interfaces used to perform URL Filter policy configuration tasks.

Table 1. URL Filter Table Column Headings
Column Heading Description
Policy Name The name assigned to the URL Filter policy when it was created.
Action See Management Tools for details about the controls under this column.
Table 2. Web Filter Rules Table Column Headings
Column Heading Description
Precedence Displays the priority of the rule.
Method Indicates whether the rule is exclusive (whitelist) or inclusive (blacklist) of all sites except those in the defined Categories and URL Lists.
Filter Type

Displays the filter type in use for the policy. Possible filter types include:

  • category
  • category_type
  • level
  • url_list

If the Filter Type is set to category, this column displays the configured category. There are 62 possible categories.

Categories are based on an external database, and cannot be modified or removed. Custom categories can be created with the URL List and added to the database.

Category Type If the Filter Type is set to category_type, this column displays the configured category type. There are 14 possible category types.
Level If the Filter Type is set to level, this column displays the configured level. There are 6 possible levels.
URL List If the Filter Type is set to url_list, this column displays the selected URL List which is defined in the URL List policy.
Description Provides a description of the Web filter rule to help differentiate it from others with similar categories.
Action See Management Tools for details about the controls under this column.

Management Tools

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