Use this procedure to assign trustpoints for the selected device.
Parameter | Description |
SSH RSA Key | Assign an RSA key to the selected device for SSH authentication
and encryption of connections between devices. Use the drop-down menu
to invoke the use of either a Stored
key or a Pending key.
Note: Pending RSA
keys are not verified as existing on a device.
Parameter | Description |
RADIUS Certificate Authority LDAPS | Assign a trustpoint to RADIUS server certificate to validate an
external LDAPS server. Use the drop-down menu to invoke the use of
either a Stored trustpoint or a Pending
Note: Pending
trustpoints are not verified as existing on a
RADIUS Server LDAPS Trustpoint | Use the drop-down menu to select a trustpoint to validate an
external LDAPS server. Options include:
Note: Pending
trustpoints are not verified as existing on a
Parameter | Description |
Authenticate Operator Certificate | Optionally, use Certificate Management Protocol (CMP)
as an Internet protocol to obtain and manage digital certificates in a
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) network. A CA issues
the certificates using the defined CMP. Using CMP, a device can
communicate with a CMP supported CA server, initiate a certificate
request and download the required certificates from the CA server. CMP
supports multiple request options through for device communicating
with a CMP supported CA server. The device can initiate a request for
getting the certificates from the server. It can also auto update the
certificates which are about to expire. Use the drop-down menu to invoke the use of either a Stored trustpoint or a Pending trustpoint.
Note: Pending trustpoints are not verified as existing on a
Parameter | Description |
HTTPS Trustpoint | Assigns a trustpoint to validate HTTPS. Use the drop-down menu to invoke the use of either a Stored trustpoint or a Pending trustpoint.
Note: Pending trustpoints are not verified as existing on a
Parameter | Description |
Cloud Client Certificate | Assigns a trustpoint to validate a cloud client. Use this option
on cloud-enabled APs to secure the communication between the cloud AP
and cloud client. The trustpoint should be existing and installed on
the AP. The cloud-enabled access points are AP7502, AP7522, AP7532,
and AP7562. For local-controller adopted APs, this configuration is
not required. Use the drop-down menu to invoke the use of either a Stored trustpoint or a Pending trustpoint.
Note: Pending trustpoints are not verified as existing on a
You cannot restore default settings after applying or saving changes.Note
This does not permanently save the settings you configured. If you perform a Reload (warm reboot), applied settings will be lost.Note
If you do not select Apply or Save, the settings that you configured are not saved when you move away from the configuration window.