
Go to Statistics > Clients, then select a Site in the list.

The Basic window opens, displaying all the connected clients for the selected site, in tabular form. Each client listed in the table is identified by its MAC Address and includes a summary of performance data.

Clients Statistics - Basic Table Column Headings describes the type of information displayed under each column in the table.

Table 1. Clients Statistics - Basic Table Column Headings
Column Heading Description
MAC Address Host (MAC address) of each listed wireless client. This address is hard-coded at the factory and can not be modified.
Note: The entries under this column are interactive and can be selected to view details about client connectivity and performance.
Username Wireless client's username displays only when the authentication type is EAP, EAP-MAC, EAP-PSK, or MAC.
Hostname Wireless client's hostname
Ingress Total RX bytes processed by the wireless client
Egress Total TX bytes processed by the wireless client
Total Traffic Total bytes processed by the wireless client
SNR SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) of the wireless client (in –dB)
Noise Floor Level of disturbing influences on the signal by interference of signals (in –dBm)
RSSI Client-connected radio's received signal strength indication (RSSI) threshold level (in dBm). This threshold determines the RSSI level at which the radio acknowledges the SOP (Start of Packet) frames received from the client, and begins to demodulate and decode the packets.
TX Rate Average data rate for the listed client for packets transmitted on the selected RF Domain member WLAN
RX Rate Average data rate for the listed client for packets received on the selected RF Domain member WLAN

You can select a client's MAC Address to open and view a graphical display of client connectivity data and performance metrics.